Hello to my new Mantis friends


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Jul 21, 2011
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Hello to all my new friends!

I am fairly new to the world of praying mantises. I have one mantis now; I don't know which variety, I am thinking budwing. She is fairly small still maybe half and inch, but has molted twice. After her second shed, to which we had a tense moment when she fell, she became tan with stripes on her back legs.

About me, I am a senior in college and as I said is my first exposure to the mantis world. I can tell already that I am going to enjoy it quite a bit though; I have grown rather attached to my new friend, her name is Patty if you are wondering, short for Patrica. Before her I was more of a standard pet lady with two cats, so I apologize in advance if I have used wrong terminology in this short brief. This is also my first time in a forum site, so I am trying to figure out how everything works so bear with me. If there are anymore questions feel free to ask!

Thank you all so much, already I feel welcome. I am hoping to get some pictures up of my dear patty so that I can get some assistance in figuring out which type of mantis she is. I was thinking she was a budwing, but from looking at the forum she was not nearly dark enough when she was a nymph; though as I said she is now the tan color and has the "tiger stripes" on her legs and raptor claws, like I said though I am hoping to put pictures up soon to receive conformation from my new friends.

Welcome. Good luck with your new mantids.

Are those breeds of Mantis? I am really sorry I don't have pictures, but I will not have my camera back until 25th.

Welcome to the Mantid Forum. Most of us swear by this site to further the enjoyment of our hobby. I can say I have made more friends here with things in common than by any other means. As soon as you are able to post a pic, your mystery mantis will be identified.

Welcome from Yuma AZ! Also, yr signature name is driving me nuts, especially since you appear to be single! It sounds as though it should be Middle English, but "hull" means "hill",so that doesn't help. A Google search showed up some "hullswives" but they didn't help either. I hope that the explanation is as interesting as the name!

Oh, well as far as hibiscusmile, that is quite an interesting looking creature and I can only hope for the best, but I will love her no matter what she is.

Rich S: Thank you for such a warm welcome, I was dropped into this by rescuing my little girl and had never really thought of bug keeping before, though part of my heritage is Japanese so we have along line of insect keeping, though once I got to know my mantis and her personality I can see why this becomes such an engrossing hobby! Thanks for the offer of identifiying, the riddle is just driving me mad!

PhilinYuma: I am married if that solves some of the riddle for you. I am not sure of my husband's heritage since he was adopted, but I am fairly sure that he has some English along with being raised Jewish.

Oh, I am sure that he isn't I did not really provide any explanation in my introduction so I am sure that he was just curious. It also along with being the truth, my husband's last name, it is a play on an old British joke; pubs would have a tip jar placed out and instead of saying "tips" it would have a sign that said, "Collection for Hull's wife" the joke being Hull is such a common name that most people in the pub would be a Hull.

Oh, I am sure that he isn't I did not really provide any explanation in my introduction so I am sure that he was just curious. It also along with being the truth, my husband's last name, it is a play on an old British joke; pubs would have a tip jar placed out and instead of saying "tips" it would have a sign that said, "Collection for Hull's wife" the joke being Hull is such a common name that most people in the pub would be a Hull.
That is FUNNY! Glad that you shared more of the explanation! It should appeal to phil... he is a very funny guy!
