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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2018
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Hello all! I'm new to the hobby having just bought my first mantis in July a little L2 Hierodula sp Golden and after being fascinated with her/him (still unsure fingers crossed its her) and getting her/him to molt once I decided to pick up three L2 deroplatys dessicata nymphs just 3 days ago. I'm honestly in love with them all and just looking for some more experienced knowledge on keeping habits and perhaps a place where I don't get weird looks for saying I keep insects as pets XD Anyways hope to get to know you all! 

Ps if anyone here has a good way to keep fruitflies from going every where when feeding multiple mantises that'd be great! I throw them in the fridge for 6 minutes and then toss em in a large cup and keep banging it on a shelf to keep them from reaching the top but its a pain especially when my Golden wants to make a run for it too lol


Your technique for the flies is what I've always done. You may want to try using a funnel to pour them into the mantis enclosure. If I'm keeping mantids in the standard 32 oz deli cup I like to cut a hole in the side for the funnel. You can plug this hole with a bit of foam. 


Your technique for the flies is what I've always done. You may want to try using a funnel to pour them into the mantis enclosure. If I'm keeping mantids in the standard 32 oz deli cup I like to cut a hole in the side for the funnel. You can plug this hole with a bit of foam. 
That's a good idea! I'll give it a shot! 

Hello! I'm new as well. I've been trying to absorb information for months now but this forum has made me more confident. The people here are friendly and very responsive! You can find a lot of good tutorials and caresheets on here as well.

Hello! I'm new as well. I've been trying to absorb information for months now but this forum has made me more confident. The people here are friendly and very responsive! You can find a lot of good tutorials and caresheets on here as well.
Hello fellow newbie! Thanks for telling me about the resources! I was actually having trouble finding information. At least information that wasn't contradicted by the next article I read. I've been trying to speak to breeders on how they are keeping them and just replicate that, as I couldn't find anything I felt I could trust just googling (species) care. 

I was actually having trouble finding information. At least information that wasn't contradicted by the next article I read. I've been trying to speak to breeders on how they are keeping them and just replicate that, as I couldn't find anything I felt I could trust just googling (species) care. 
I struggled for a while. There isn't a lot of obvious information out there.

Welcome to the forum! Fruit flies can be a pain but it gets easier to manage them with practice.

Hi Ellithain, 

Welcome and congrats on the new aquistion:) One thing that helps with fly wrangling(at least for non flying strains), is almost any fine dust, just a small pinch, tossed into your fly cup, and swirled around so it coats the bottom cm (thats 1/2 inch for y'all Southern folk;) ). The flies cant get a good grip on the side to start climbing and stay in the bottom for as long as you want. I've left them for 3 days and they still scramble around in the bottom only. 

I find if one is not franticly tapping the cup every few seconds, it is much harder to have accidents.

PS if they happen to be able to climb up at all, just put in one more tiny pinch of dust and swirl it around a couple times with the flies.

Heres a video of someone dusting flies to feed to their frogs.


You dont need as much because it isnt necessary to provide supplements to mantids like it is for frogs:)

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Welcome to the forum! In here, you are considered "normal" when you say that you have insects as pets, so don't worry!

- MantisGirl13


You will find lots if great info on this forum and lots of super nice knowlegeable folks!                          I am also new as of August 2 but I've already learned a lot.

This forum is super cool and non-the-less addicting (shhh... Don't tell mom! Ha ha)... Anyway welcome and have fun!


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