Help Identifying My Mantid


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Jun 11, 2007
Reaction score
I would appreciate the help of anyone who can lead me in the right direction as far as a species goes for my mantid, and I'm sorry that I don't have a digi cam :( . So I'll try to help you guys out with way of descriptions.

When I bought it, the tank it came in stated it was an African Praying Mantis, so that might help.

My mantid is bright green, with yellow beneath his tibia (green on top) with the yellow being broken up by a blue band which runs perpenducular to the limb itself. It's abdomen is mainly green also with a narrow band of yellowy brown running along the side.

It also has massive eyes (I'm not sure if this is a trait of the species or just the light conditions). I only mention this because all the pics I've seen of other mantids have been with tiny eyes.

As for behavior, I'm not in any position to talk as I have no basis for comparison to say it's aggressive, docile etc since it's my first specimen. Although I can say it's bite was on a par with a Hadrurus Arizonensis sting (I keep scorpions too :D - of which I'm certainly more experienced ;) ). Oh and it also climbs a lot, spending most of the time at the top of the tank hanging upside from the roof of the tank. When you put it back, the first thing it does is climb the walls of the tank so if that helps.

Thanks in advance! And please ask any questions if it'll help identifying it :)

It probably is an african mantid, and unless your telling me there is only one species of mantid native to Africa...

the common name for sphrodomantis species is african mantid. they are many species of sphrodomantis called african, but they all look very similar and would be impossible to differentiate w/o a pic, sometimes even with a pic. the most common one seen in the trade is sphrodomantis lineola.

Ah I see now, thanks for the info, thanks wuwu :) . Sorry if I seemed a little off or snappy in my last post.
