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agent A

the autistic flower mantis
Supporting Member
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Fort Collins, CO
hey all, i had a free range hierodula multispina

i have been missin her all month

we finally found her-IN THE WASHING MACHINE!! :eek:

my sis threw my curtains in the washer and pulled her out after a cold cycle in the wash

she must've been on the curtain

she seems dry but very hurt

do u think she will be ok??


I personally think she's a goner. I mean a WASHING MACHINE. The soap, freezing water and near drowning will kill her alone. Sorry :(

I can't believe she is even alive after it, badly hurt would be a miracle after that experience.

It's hard to give any hope that it could possibly survive after that ordeal, the soap would've got to it pretty thoroughly, not to mention alot of broken limbs I'm guessing

here r 2 pics :(



That's gonna be the craziest topic I've seen lately.

Some mantids can recover from severe event. I give you an example of mine.

When i had lots of new born hatchlings a week ago, many were able to escape when i was doing some maintenance and i didn't even notice. While arranging the enclosures something crawled on my neck. I quickly slapped it thinking it was a fly or an ant, instead it was a mantis nymph and it dropped to the floor motionless, twitching its legs a bit. I put it on the table and 30mins later it was back on its feet and wandering around, still a bit clumsy though. I still have it alive and well. I know that there's no water or soap in the equation but hey, it was a new born mantis.

i'll give it a 50% chance for your mantis to have a full recovery.

Yeah... I guess i will reduce the stakes after seeing the pics...

The position of her head doesn't suggest anything good

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OK, well if you do be nice and put it on the gentle cycle, she is your sister after all.

I swear I should start charging for all my expert advise... Ha!

Let it be lesson for you.

Never leave let mantis roam freely around in the house without supervising.

Oh dear that's horrible. I doubt she would survive.

When I was young, my tarantula went "missing". We only found it after washing my grandmothers sheets! She must have been sleeping with it! Needless to say, it rolled out of the washer when the sheets were being moved to the dryer. It was only missing one leg. It must've been on "gentle". :lol:
