Help! So tiny!


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I transfer Springtails using an Insect Aspirator it works like a charm. Just be sure to check the screen or you will be the one eating Springtails.

Oy vey. This requires a macro lens. We'll have to deal with my point and shoot. So there's a (blurry) nymph on this coffee stir. Below is the hatched ooth next to forceps for size comparison.



Indeed. Thinking it must be Oxyothespis dumonti. Hopefully they survive. If they do, I may be sharing at some point as my bug room is getting a bit cluttered. It was obviously a small hatch- only 11 and I have yet to see any die.

Wish I'd seen this sooner...

Keep your nymphs in a cup with a very moist, loose substrate or moss. Then all you do is pour some of the water from the springtail culture into the substrate. They will then populate the cup. Just be sure to keep the substrate moist at all times because springtails require 100% humidity. Those that wander up out of the substrate will get chomped. Drop a grain of rice in the substrate now and then to grow mold that the springtails eat. They will likely also feed on other waste.

Hope this helps! :)

I have no babies yet so I hope yours make it.

Thanks! At least the hatch size is quite manageable. And it looks like we have several people with ooths now (and more for sale I see). It'll be fun to move forward with them (hopefully).


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