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Most humans are the cancer of the planet and this is another case, oohhh everybody wants Idols lets rape the resources of the planet for quick bucks

I'm with Tier & Christian on this

Great Scott! What are you people talking about? Let's not have a lover's tiff!

Let's smoke dope and take a nip at the flask and don't bother arguing again.

Most humans are the cancer of the planet and this is another case, oohhh everybody wants Idols lets rape the resources of the planet for quick bucksI'm with Tier & Christian on this
What about ME!! :( I'm allways left out. Anyways. The term is misanthropy:disgust or hatred for the human race.

At least animals eat for survival, we kill for "sport". Sorry to keep this going.

What about ME!! :( I'm allways left out. Anyways. The term is misanthropy:disgust or hatred for the human race.At least animals eat for survival, we kill for "sport". Sorry to keep this going.
I dont kill at all .. I let the butcher take care of that ;- )

What about ME!! :( I'm allways left out. Anyways. The term is misanthropy:disgust or hatred for the human race.At least animals eat for survival, we kill for "sport". Sorry to keep this going.
Many appologies :rolleyes:

I am not a cancer on this planet. I'm a highly evolved, openly heterosexual, blatantly religious, educated American female at the top of the food chain whose immediate concern is the suffering of my fellow man. Do you really buy into the hype that you are such a god you can control the future of an entire planet? Pathetic. Should human beings actually "destroy" this planet it will most certainly, and without hesitation, reclaim any and all domain previously "controlled" by humans and nothing can stop it until it finally hurtles into our flaming sun and is consumed. Your efforts to direct such formidable forces only serve to confirm your impotence.

The planet is an organism, when it is assaulted, it sweeps a few of us away. A virus here, a tsunami there, the occasional earthquake or volcanic eruption. I'm not angry and I don't discredit your good intentions but I don't hate myself or humanity and I think it's a shame that you do. I guess I'm biased by a background in human anatomy and physiology, but I think we are even more intricate, complex, adapted, evolved, intelligent and beautiful than any creature - mantid or otherwise. It is vogue, it seems, to be ashamed to be human.

If you really believe the things you say, the only option you have is suicide. Maybe then you won't feel so guilty about living.

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I am not a cancer on this planet. I'm a highly evolved, openly heterosexual, blatantly religious, educated American female at the top of the food chain whose immediate concern is the suffering of my fellow man. Do you really buy into the hype that you are such a god you can control the future of an entire planet? Pathetic. Should human beings actually "destroy" this planet it will most certainly, and without hesitation, reclaim any and all domain previously "controlled" by humans and nothing can stop it until it finally hurtles into our flaming sun and is consumed. Your efforts to direct such formidable forces only serve to confirm your impotence. The planet is an organism, when it is assaulted, it sweeps a few of us away. A virus here, a tsunami there, the occasional earthquake or volcanic eruption. I'm not angry and I don't discredit your good intentions but I don't hate myself or humanity and I think it's a shame that you do. I guess I'm biased by a background in human anatomy and physiology, but I think we are even more intricate, complex, adapted, evolved, intelligent and beautiful than any creature - mantid or otherwise. It is vogue, it seems, to be ashamed to be human.

If you really beleive the things you say, the only option you have is suicide. Maybe then you won't feel so guilty about living.
I assume all of that was towards me. Well...(sigh)... where to begin:

The fact that you believe that being ANY of the things you stated in the first line makes u the top of the food chain is foolish. Although humans are the "top" of the food chain, that doesn't mean destroy everything below you.

Now, I don't believe I am some God who can destroy he entire future of the planet. I believe that MANKIND: pollution, war, rape, murder, drugs, theft, eradication is what WILL destroy the planet. My immediate concern is NOT of the "fellow man" it is of ME. Not to sound self-centered, but man cannot be trusted, as you can easily be stabbed in the back, or let down. REALITY CHECK!!! Don't trust anyone.

Now, nothing is "controlled" by humans, and how can you say that it will be "reclaimed" when entire species (both animal and plant) and civilizations have been destroyed. Are you truly disillusioned to believe that those things will magically come back, or that the DESTRUCTION will magically stop? Foolishness. Oh, and for the record, I hope the a meteor, or sun does come crashing on the planet. The decline of the planet due to mankind has gone too far for repair, and it needs to be put down.

Your right about the planet being an organism, but look at this. The planet is an organism, and mankind is the cancer of that organism. Sure, good deeds are done (hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and droughts) but that's like an organisms immune system/white blood cells. Unfortunately, like all 99.9% of the organisms know to man, NOTHING"S IMMUNE SYSTEM CAN DESTROY THE CANCER THAT PLAGUES IT!!! Not medicine, not family, not will power. Only divine intervention. And that's what's going to be the deciding factor of the fate of this world: DIVINE INTERVENTION. You said it your self, your a religious person.

I don't hate myself, and I don't want anyone else to hate themselves. I don't hate humanity, I despise it. But don't get me wrong, I'm no anti-social maniac who loves violence. I deal with my views on the world by waiting for it to be destroyed, which it WILL be. It's most certainly NOT ashamed that I hate humanity, because as my "religion" states boldly, "Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves teh world, the love of the Father is not in him" 1 John 2:15. Also:"Aduterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that frendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever theeforewants to be a friend of the world make himslf an enemy of God" James 4:4. That's if you want to get religous. Which I didn't want to.

Oh, I don't really care if your angry, or discredit me, no offense. Allthough we may be "intricate, intelligent, and beautiful", that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things when you destroy the world. I am not ashamed to be human, I am ashamed OF humans, and what they have done. But I thank them, for showing me what NOT to be. My option is not suicide, but to keep living, so I can see TRUE JUSTICE. I don't feel guilty of living, it's quite the contrary. I love living, but not with the world, just in it. So good American, heterosexual, religous, educated female, consider yourself "owned".

P.S. My concern is me foremost. Because beings with biased feelings, or irrational thoughts cannot be trusted:MAN. I would help a man in need, and I might shed a tear if I hear something tragic. But frankly, tears are overated, and tiring. I care for me, my family (and that's NOT an absolute), and anything that concerns me, or that I can TRULY make a difference in.

Oh, I don't like to bring religion into the matter, so if you are not religous, ignore this message, this really is intended for any human that agrees with Precious. Thank-you :D

This is WAY off track and you all are lucky i am not the mod here cause i would wipe out all the posts here that are NOT related this this persons question ....

This is WAY off track and you all are lucky i am not the mod here cause i would wipe out all the posts here that are NOT related this this persons question ....
You are completely right, and I apologize for getting off topic, and wasting this thread's space. Secuner, could you please give us an update on your Idols.

Sorry again, to anyone who was expecting help from me, and was disapointed with my last post.

Please, just pm eachother, or go to the chat to continue this "discussion". But let's not ruin Secuner's thread. We have to help him for the benenfit of the species. I'm sorry.

Rationally, I wouldn't know where to begin with the emotionally charged rhetoric and fallacies of reasoning. Good thing no one has challenged anything fact related!

pmsl - on the divine intervention bit.

come on now. god? thats so 'last century'.

now aliens. thats something i can believe in :lol:

however i think were gonna be on our own on this 'pale blue dot' until the dolphins stop keeping their opinions to themselves

pmsl - on the divine intervention bit. come on now. god? thats so 'last century'.

now aliens. thats something i can believe in

however i think were gonna be on our own on this 'pale blue dot' until the dolphins stop keeping their opinions to themselves
Sure dude, whatever :p Lets just drop the subject. Has anyone heard from Secuner?


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