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I thought this was spiffy and will be trying it.


I have had luck in the past skimming the tops of shrubs and bushes with a "net" (my net is really a mesh umbrella shaped plate cover like you use to keep flys off your plate at a picnick...dollar tree find works great!) I also use this to trap flys that land on dog poop in the back yard in warmer months)

I have not yet tried setting up a white sheet hanging outside with a drop light or black light to attract moths etc.

(I have maybe 40-60 blue bottles and a grip of house flys going in two containers so have not needed to hunt in a few weeks now....thats alot of flies, but my Ladies like to eat!!!!
I just use some 99 cent store nets and still they work really well! I tried the black light thing a few years back and caught a HUGE amount of sphinx moths. When I am desperate, I do the same thing with dog poop, if she has to go...

Mothing is fun! you should try it some time
I love mothing, especially during the summer! I always catch some many different kinds it's hard to count! This summer, I'm going to go mothing, breed large moths, and raise caterpillars! You gotta love doing that!

What about bumblebees?
Bumblebees make horrible feeders. They are really large and bulky, and most mantids would have a really high chance of being stung just because of the size.
