Helping females lay ooths


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bug-cats or cat-bugs? That is the real question.
Supporting Member
Oct 18, 2021
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Midwest US
So I don’t have any mantises I have currently bred, but I do have adult females. None have have laid any infertile ooths in the times they have been adults and it’s concerning to me. How can I help them?
keeping them hydrated and with a variety of surfaces to lay on is just about as much as you can do.. an infertile ooth can take a while before its finally laid, females seem to try to hold onto the eggs for as long as they can.
So I don’t have any mantises I have currently bred, but I do have adult females. None have have laid any infertile ooths in the times they have been adults and it’s concerning to me. How can I help them?
every species is different
I've seen some things like Creobroter lay infertile ooths really early on, while things like Deroplatys aren't as liable, although I've had mated Deroplatys females lay ooths that never wound up hatching. I think something was off with the male though: he took his sweet time to mature to adulthood, like suspiciously long
hydration, a varied diet, and variety in perches will induce oviposition. light will as well. I used to sleeve large females outdoors on willows and it worked every time (don't do this in winter please)