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New member
Apr 9, 2012
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Hey everyone!

I am new here as you can probibly guess. At the momnet i dont have a mantis but i am looking for some for sale. I am 15 and i have a intrest in them. Last night i found a wild one in my godmothers garden and held it for a hour.

At home i have many exotic plants and animals and a mantis would probibly be the most intesting.

i hope to learn alot here and make friends.

Thank you everyone.

I am trying to find anouther wild one to care for while i am here but they are hard to find.

I have had a fair bit of success using a net & sweeping the top of long grasses. If you have a net handy & some grass nearby that isn't frequently mowed give it a try

also try local gardening stores, here in the states they are often sold at garden supply centers...otherwise this forum or the UKmanisforum are good resorces


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