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Oct 8, 2013
Reaction score
Im new to this forum so im not sure how to even start introducing myself -_- Here goes nothing!

My name is Lupe. Yes, I'm mexican-american & i have a mad passion for any bug or animal... Wait! I take the "ANY" back for bugs. I hate mosquitos with a passion. They're some evil bloody suckers! SMACK SMACK ugh! Just writing about them gives me the chills! Enough about them... My pets are not my pets. I see them more like my babies. When one dies or gets killed i cry. Weird huh? I even cried when my aunt(a nun)killed my lil baby beetle. Even since that day i kinda put my love for bugs on hold for years, 8 yrs. to be exact till now of course.

I have 50 birds(some laid eggs)2 dogs(Their names are Boxer & Mayka) 2 cats(Oreo & Speedy! getting another on Monday :) ) a turtle(Spot) 2 tree frogs (still cant come up with names) & a ball python( Kandi ) last but not least 5 walking sticks. Hopefully soon i can get some other types insects,animals & reptiles... I'm currently living in Texas but always back n forth to Oregon( Portland! My hometown) Well thats a lil about me. I hope to get to know some of yall better :)

Well that said sorry about my grammar and punctuation. It's not the best due to my mind running around everywhere lol
