Hi From Charleston, South Carolina!


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Feb 3, 2016
Reaction score
Hello Everyone!

I have a long, southern curse of a name lol, but everyone calls me "Beau" (or if you are brave, "Evie" lol). Until very recently, I was a stay-at-home parent, but I recently discovered what people mean by "empty nest syndrome" and I took up some of the hobbies of my youth!

My husband fought back his fear in 2014 and purchased me a corn snake, which has lead to a house full of snakes! So...imagine his dismay when I discovered mantids! :-D

I hatched (is that even the right word?) my first Chinese Mantids this year and now I am dying to try raising some of the other awesome species!

I have a lot to learn, but I am one of those people who jumps in the deep end rather than getting my feet wet! I am so happy to have found this forum! :-D

Looking forward to meeting all of you!


Welcome to the forums! So jealous of your snakes, trying to get the housemates used to them so I can have some of my own. >:D

Welcome Beau! I remember the empty nest syndrome. Hobbies are definitely an excellent antidote! :)    

Hi Everyone!

I am sorry it took me so long to get back here and post! My husband is away for work at the moment, and I have been SO BUSY!

I plan to spend much more time here in the future thought, and hope to get to know each of you better! You are all so friendly! :)

I hope everyone has a great day!

