Hi from Mexico


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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2012
Reaction score
Hi everyone, I'm from Mexico and I'm new here. I'm very interested in getting ooths of some mantis species, but first I'll say a little bit of me. Some time ago, I started on this passion (that's what it is for me) I've bred at least four species but I had to leave for a while. I didn't get the species I always wanted because I was in it by 3 years and it wasn't a full time activity. But now, I want to get back (yeah!) and breed the species I want and stay on it for something like forever haha, well, I really love mantids, but for now, I'm particularly interested in idolomantis diabolica, hymenopus coronatus and pseudocreobotra wahlbergii, in that order. Also, I don't consider myself a novice, perhaps I'm at a medium level, I like to do research and I'm a passionate person, usually I don't have trouble at breedeing animals or cultivating plants that people consider "difficult" species, so, I think I'll go well with the species mentioned above, needless to say I'm looking for sellers now. I think that's enough for now.


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Hola! Welcome to the forum man. Always nice to have new faces from other countries. Although many people sell the species mentioned above, they are expensive, and not many ship internationally ;)

Hi, well, I know of the cost, but currently I'm decided to get them, about the shipments...well, I also know everything involved, but I also know there are people willing to do shipments worldwide, so I'd like to contact with them xD thank you for reading and posting.

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Thank you all, I'll be glad to be sharing experiences and knowledge and I hope I find the same from you. We can always try to do things easier for each other.

Hey hibiscusmile, I think we have talked before, maybe you remember some mails from me, not too long ago, I was exactly asking you about idolo and orchid ooths haha, or maybe I'm mistaking you, in any case greetings! :)
