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Active member
Aug 22, 2005
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Toledo, Ohio
I recently ( 1 week) took up the interest of praying mantis ( my son fell in love) :) , I was wondering if this set up is ok for the S.Carolina mantis seen here :

It's name is Porky.

The measurements roughly are 6 in X 6 in.

Welcome. That isn't an S. Carolina though. Please post some more pics of the mantis so we can get a better idea of the species. The enclosure looks fine though.

I agree with Rick. Its not an S. Carolina, but most likely a Chinese mantis(Tenodera A. Sinensis). More pics would definately help for a positive ID.

The enclosure looks fine. :wink:



nope not an s carolina most likley a chinese mantis. Wow your from ohio? Im in the columbus area about 30 minutes east

That is a European mantis (mantis religiosa) It's a female too. S. Carolina is smaller. BTW you have to make your photobucket album public for us to see it.

That is a European mantis (mantis religiosa) It's a female too. S. Carolina is smaller. BTW you have to make your photobucket album public for us to see it.
There you go I made it public, sorry about that :oops:

Yeah without a doubt it's an European mantis.

I think that carolina and chinese mantids have been over come by european mantids in the ohio and states surrounding it. I havent found any other matnis other than european mantids and someone from michigan found them but i havent heard from any in the ohio area that hasent found a mantis other than european mantids

That is a European mantis (mantis religiosa) It's a female too. S. Carolina is smaller. BTW you have to make your photobucket album public for us to see it.
Oh and thank you, are they native to Ohio?

Well some of you Ohio people need to catch me a few pairs of em. I have wanted this species for some time. We don't have em around here for some reason.

That is a European mantis (mantis religiosa) It's a female too. S. Carolina is smaller. BTW you have to make your photobucket album public for us to see it.
Oh and thank you, are they native to Ohio?
They are not native to the United States at all. They were brought over here a couple hundered years ago. But yeah they are common to Ohio.

This is all so interesting for me, which is odd for me because I usually hate bugs but I am slowly changing my mind, Porky (my mantis) is amazing to watch hunt and she is kinda cute too. I have a baby chinese mantis on it's way too.

Don't put your new mantis in with your current one. :wink:
