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Jul 22, 2017
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Tracy from the really outer suburbs of Chicago. I am Bugmom because although I grew up insect-neutral, I raised a daughter who is obsessed with biology and insects in particular. She played with, captured, and raised them through to beekeeping in her later teen years. She is now starting her sophomore year in college after a stint as an intern processing, counting and identifying insects for various theses projects over the summer.

It is highly likely that Bugdaughter will be joining us here soon if she is not already a member. She has been fascinated recently by mantises she has seen and made acquaintance with, and has been doing a lot of research into raising them.

I am here to help out and see what the fuss is about, and because I can finance these things.

Thank you for tolerating my lurking and observation. This is fascinating.

Tracy as a proxy for Maddy 

Hi Tracy, welcome!  If your daughter is interested in raising mantids, this is definitely the place to get information.  I have spent hours browsing and learning on here.  :)

Hello Tracy and welcome to the forum

Are you looking into getting a mantid yourself one day, or just strictly finding out more about Maddy's fascination? Nothing like have a mantid yourself for firsthand experience. :D


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