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If you are mature with them as in knowwing your minimum engagement distances and wearing the proper eye protection it wont be life threatening at the least. Like in an airsoft game I cant shoot people with my sniper rifle within 150 feet. Dont blame the guns for killing someone. Its the imature people shooting other people without proper safty requirments

Yes, but accidents happen. I'm sure all those people didn't mean for them to die...




http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1548602/posts This one means that it pierced her chest and hit her heart. She would have died later, even if she had had help. (Yes, there are two hads on purpose)

Can't really tell you not to do it, but hey, I wish nothing bad happens to you or your friends. I know someone who got shot in the eye on accidnet, and can't see with it. (He wasn't actually playing, but a stray shot must have richochet and hit him.)

Oh I see. These guns Im talking about aren't pelet guns. They shoot at much slower speeds and there is only one reported killing from one. That was when a kid shot someone in the eye point blank with no mask. Pelet guns shoot up to 1000 feet per second. Airsoft shoots around 400 on average. Airsoft is much like paintball, but with more realistic things. Airsoft guns dont leave more than a welt
