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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2018
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Hi! this is MantisGirl13. I'm new to mantidforum, and I am very excited to be a part of this! I am in seventh grade, and I love everything mantis. Currently, I have a sub-adult female Blepharosis mendica (Thistle mantis), one L3 and six L4 phyllocrania paradoxa (ghost mantis), two pre-subadult Miomantis paykulli (Egyptian pygmy mantis), Two L5 Sphodromantis gastrica, Two L5 or L6 Gongylus gongylodes (wandering violin mantis), and one L1 and one L2 Tenodera sinensis (chinese) that hatched unplanned in my closet. My B. mendica is a female named Star, I have three L4 male P. paradoxa two of which I named: Tigerheart and Fallen Leaves. I also have three L4 females, some of which I named; Ferncloud and Honeyfern, and I have another L3 female that will molt any day. My M.paykulli I call Sphynx and Oasis, my S.gastrica are Hunter and Stitch, my G. gongylodes are Valentine and Fiddle, and I haven't named my T. sinensis yet. 

I got home yesterday, and realized that three of my L5 ghosts had molted, and this morning, i woke up to another brand new L6! They are so cute! one of my Giant Africans, Hunter, molted as well! a few days ago, Fallen Leaves ate my little L3 female that was due to molt any day :(  For some reason, my sub-adult female B. mendica, Star, has been sub-adult for several months now, and she still hasn't molted. Does anyone know how long female B. mendica take to molt from sub-adult to adult? I'm kinda worried about her, since I have been expecting a molt for over a month now. Also, does anyone have a sub-adult male B. mendica for sale? iIam hoping to breed Star as soon as she is old enough, if I can get a male. 

Hi and welcome to the forum. I love your mantis names! Sounds like you have quite the collection of mantises! :D

Not sure how long B. mendica take to molt to adult from subadult but sometimes the last molt can take a long time. So it might be a normal thing for that species? Maybe someone with more knowledge about that species knows.

Hy & Welcome 

You have some of my favorites , Mio's and Tenodera's.  I had a couple B. Mendica's that never achieved adulthood........ S

Thanks! I love having lots of mantis species. my ghosts are currently one of every color that a ghost could have! 

- MantisGirl13
