Holy ###### this thing is tiny!


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Feb 8, 2015
Reaction score
I got my first mantis in mail on friday, and it's totally incredible! I have a corn snake and a gbb tarantula and this ghost mantis is anatomically insane compared to them. I don't think I've ever seen a creature so small, but so complex up close, truly amazing. When you guys got your first mantids were you as ######?


Congrats on your new mantis. It is amazing how small they start out as. I have two Ghost mantises and they are great. :D

There are smaller species, which actually means smaller nymphs too. You should see Egyptian Pygmy mantises (Miomantis paykullii) when they are first hatched. There are even smaller mantis species too. Also related feeders such as crickets are a pin dot when they hatch. Even smaller are Springtails, and their babies look like dust specks until you see them move. ;)

Yeah I've seen tiny cricket hatchlings, but they seem so simple and basic in comparison to mantids. This ghost nymph just has so much articulation its crazy!

There's no doubt that the ghost mantis is amazing. To me it looks like a tiny version of the queen from Aliens ( I think the ghost mantis actually inspired the creator ) I have an adult female ..and even though she's only about 1 1/2 inches long she will demolish a full grown cricket. Hope you enjoy yours ; )

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There's no doubt that the ghost mantis is amazing. To me it looks like a tiny version of the queen from Aliens ( I think the ghost mantis actually inspired the creator ) I have an adult female ..and even though she's only about 1 1/2 inches long she will demolish a full grown cricket. Hope you enjoy yours ; )
No way! My girlfriend was like oh man that looks like the Alien from Alien hahahhaha
