Honestly, People!


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oH! it's me! it's me! :lol:
How cool, Rebecca! We can all ride up to Ohio and joust for your favor, and you can tie your favor (a sleeve of white samite with gold thread would work well) to the lance of your favorite, and afterwards we can all sit down to a nice dinner of corned beef and cabbage!

As a person who has had several posts on the topic deleted, I'm glad this thread is here, and that we can talk openly. (um, we CAN, right...?) Kudos, Green Oasis for having the courage to post it.

Personally, I'm VERY interested in knowing what kind of success people have had with WC Oooths - from any breeder. And I confess, I did NOT know "WC" meant "Wild Caught" when I made my first purchase. Like many, I'm just enjoying the hobby, and I'm limited to the amount of time I allow myself to do research. I trust what I read HERE more than what I read on the general web, anyway.

But that's the problem. If the rules prohibit such a direct question as "Has anyone had a successful hatch", forcing the discussion to other thread, how are inexperienced forum members expeceted to acces that valuable information...? I spent 12 hours research JUST Idolomantis breeding... We don't REALLY expect members to read through every thread with "frey" in it...? It's 3 pages of content already!

I suppose everyone who has had a purchase with the buyer COULD (or should?) simply post to the Breeder Feedback page "1 Idolo ooth, 50 nymphs", or "1 Idolo ooth, no hatch in 9 months" and we'd at least have something, right? Maybe?

I think dissapointed people (me) don't post this type of feedback, because, as it's been made clear to me NOW, it's nearly irrational to think a WC ooth will hatch.

So, as I understand the rules, if I posted "4 ooths, zero hatch. But our forum has clearly agreed that I've got less than a 5% chance of a WC ooth hatching", my post would be deleted because I've introduced a discussion, or whatever. Very frustrating.

Can we, in a thread like this, ask respected members (obviously open to debate) what THEIR hatch rate has been...? Is that within the rules...? Just facts...?
I don't know how Brian stated his poll...knowing him, perhaps a bit more brashly than I would have. ;) But, I don't think it's unreasonable to ask these sorts of questions! People who are new deserve to know a bit more about what they're getting into when they decide to purchase a wild ooth. The only problem I see to this is that Frey (or any other seller of wild ooths) is probably going to feel like posting these results is some sort of personal attack, rather than the helpful information they are intended to be. If it were me, I would not sell wild-caught ooths, for the simple reason that I probably would not like the criticism either. (And also the fact that I could not guarantee results for the customer!) But, if I did sell them, I would simply accept that there are going to be dissatisfied folks out there who didn't realize the slim chances for their ooth purchase.

Thanks for the kudos, Sporeworld. It's not really courage I have, but I have always been an open sort of person...ask me anything and I will tell you! I also see no point in lying, so...I don't bother with lying (or liars) either, for that matter! I have just never understood why more folks AREN'T a bit more open. Wouldn't we be able to get along better if we actually KNEW what others were thinking/feeling about us or what we do? And just because you are criticized, does that mean that the person doesn't really like YOU, or just something you're doing that you could easily change? Or, something totally beyond your control that you just have to accept? I, myself, am beyond the childish high school days of caring what anyone else thinks of me personally, and I am beyond basing my opinions of others on what people tell me I should think, etc. But, just because I don't care what anyone else thinks of me, doesn't mean I am going to be mean or hurtful to them in return for their behavior! Rather, I like trying to be an open and helpful member of the community. Sometimes I do play "devil's advocate", but it's more to help people think, really THINK about the things they are doing/saying and maybe, just maybe, they will realize on their own what they could/should do to make things better! :D

How cool, Rebecca! We can all ride up to Ohio and joust for your favor, and you can tie your favor (a sleeve of white samite with gold thread would work well) to the lance of your favorite, and afterwards we can all sit down to a nice dinner of corned beef and cabbage!
Ni-ice! :)

You can have the tie. I hate "jousting" anyway.

But I DO likes the corned beef and cabbage!

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I have just never understood why more folks AREN'T a bit more open. Wouldn't we be able to get along better if we actually KNEW what others were thinking/feeling about us or what we do?

If you can't say it like it is(with no bad language), whats the point of saying it at all???

Whats with all this drama? :rolleyes: There should not be any discussion in the the classified section of the forum. If you have a question to ask the breeder/seller, you should either PM them, or email them, if possible? If you have had a transaction with the seller? Then post your feedback in the breeder/feedback section of the forum. Good, or bad thats what it's there for. :)

"But, I don't think it's unreasonable to ask these sorts of questions! People who are new deserve to know a bit more about what they're getting into when they decide to purchase a wild ooth. The only problem I see to this is that Frey (or any other seller of wild ooths) is probably going to feel like posting these results is some sort of personal attack, rather than the helpful information they are intended to be"

Yes, it is remotely possible that she might, given that the person asking for this helpful information had told her and every one else on the forum that something she offered for sale was ILLEGAL, had called her a "stupid a$$" and told her, wrongly and publicly, that another specimen that she was selling should have been twice the size that she quoted. If someone that you know, Carey, stands at the edge of a cliff and asks you to come and enjoy the view, I see no reason why you should not. But if that person has already tried to push you over several times, you might do well to think twice before complying.

And that's the last of me for this amazing thread! :D

That is ONE person, Phil, who does not sum up the opinion or actions of us all, nor do the rest of us deserve to be treated with contempt because of the actions/hurtful words of ONE person. I treat people as individuals and would not think of telling a totally different person that they have "silly questions" because of what one person had done to me in the past.

As stated, I am unfamiliar with the poll Brian posted, or its wording...it is highly possible, knowing his sometimes straighforward Jersey-style way of speaking, that it seemed abrasive (or perhaps was intentional, I don't know Brian all that well), but my reference was related to what Sporeworld said about why it seems to be so negative to ask simple questions pertaining to wild-caught ooth viability. I said that it was not unreasonable to ask about this or to post results when you are dealing with them. Being the type of person that I am and my ability to see both sides of the issue, however, I can understand how a person in the business of selling said ooths might not want this type of negative attention on them, because it hurts their sales (particularly of the wild-caught ooths.) What THAT one statement has to do with Brian's previously "abusive" treatment of Frey, I haven't the slightest clue. But then again, perhaps I have some years of growing to do before I am enlightened that way. ;)

That is ONE person, Phil, who does not sum up the opinion or actions of us all, nor do the rest of us deserve to be treated with contempt because of the actions/hurtful words of ONE person. I treat people as individuals and would not think of telling a totally different person that they have "silly questions" because of what one person had done to me in the past.

As stated, I am unfamiliar with the poll Brian posted, or its wording...it is highly possible, knowing his sometimes straighforward Jersey-style way of speaking, that it seemed abrasive (or perhaps was intentional, I don't know Brian all that well), but my reference was related to what Sporeworld said about why it seems to be so negative to ask simple questions pertaining to wild-caught ooth viability. I said that it was not unreasonable to ask about this or to post results when you are dealing with them. Being the type of person that I am and my ability to see both sides of the issue, however, I can understand how a person in the business of selling said ooths might not want this type of negative attention on them, because it hurts their sales (particularly of the wild-caught ooths.) What THAT one statement has to do with Brian's previously "abusive" treatment of Frey, I haven't the slightest clue. But then again, perhaps I have some years of growing to do before I am enlightened that way. ;)

Maybe hard to believe you, but before we all understood what was written in this post has passed nearly an hour.

My English is at a basic level, I try to understand and be able to provide as much information as possible but the truth is that I was learning English two years ago for high school or all of a sudden 3 years...

Pragmatic Hominid complains to me that after all I can say the same in his name, certainly yes. But does not being an American I can adequately express the clear? I think not, therefore, at a time when someone is able to help me, I cant say no, I feel really stupid for this reason but I'm grateful for the help.

From what I understand, his replies to questions, treated someone in a bad way. sorry for this but I really do not mean to attack someone, maybe it's about the mentality - I understand some things differently than you Americans.

Anyway, I'm sorry, I'll try to answer the questions carefully.

The second problem which is discussed here is the problem of WC ooths.

If someone asked where I cocoons, I said they were wild caught.

In order to explain everything - I am for these cocoons also I paid, maybe some people like Brian do not realize that the import costs, it is also true that such a rule stings to 60-70% of the cocoons.

Some inexperienced farmers could think about that because they are cocoons of africa 2 weeks went to me and the next two weeks to the U.S. - it could also affect the number of hatched

As soon as I can, I'll have a new cocoons from Africa, I will try to send all the "victims", yet I can not solve in any other way. track number of last packet which you gave Sporeworld I expected - if you see what happened to it:) - the package was sent back by customs officers.

The last thing you Brian already beginning to be really nice not respect me, I just do not know why. So as I said - he stressed that the import Jungle nymphs is illegal - two or three days later he asked me if I sell them to him - this is normal?

I also think that Brian instead cling to me and try to sink me, he could reflect on what he is doing.

Brian is up to you, you know what I mean? Do you think you're so fine and you're so sincere person?

Finally, I wanted to add that I added pictures Plistospiloty, you can see its size. As soon as possible to the species will settle with you. Sorry for the inconvenience, and if someone does not understand what I wrote

I feel like I am the "Johnny Come Lately" in this discussion,although I have been following the issues for a few weeks. I have been interested in the acquisition of various species which are more plentiful, it seems, in Europe, than here. I also see that the UKMantisforums of which I am a member disallows the listing of any ooth or mantis that is "W/C". There are some good reasons given there,and if you are interested you should tune in by going on to that site. I just wish we would treat all as we wish to be treated. If we are doing business or hobby activity, or both, we need not to burn our bridges. The one you insult one day, even inadvertantly, can be the one you need help from the next. This is not a perfect motive, but an economical one that may appeal more to some than some ethical, religious, or humanitarian reason or motive. Happy dealings members. Let's try to leave our personal feelings and unecessary comments out of the classifieds as if you must pay for each wrod there. Good day!
