hooded mantis


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I have kept the Choeradodis rhombicollis for a few years and had some success. Unfortunately I don't have them anymore








Most people who had them lost their culture, I don't know if they are still bred now in Europe?

What's the biggest challenge in keeping them in culture? Are they difficult to raise to adulthood, difficult to breed, or the ooths fail to hatch?

What kind of enclosures did you use to raise them?

What kind of enclosures did you use to raise them?
I kept them in a exoterra enclosure when they where adults. As nimphs I kept them in pots.

in the early stages it not hard to keep them. Getting them to mate and getting some ooths is harder. Hatching them wasn't really difficult ether. Similar to Hymenopus. 

8 hours ago, naeff002 said:

8 hours ago, naeff002 said:

I kept them in a exoterra enclosure when they where adults. As nimphs I kept them in pots.

did they have any molting issues while molting to adult?

What kind of enclosures did you use to raise them?
Braplast boxes for the adults, smaller plastic containers for the young. I lost my culture when ooths stopped to hatch, despite what I think were several suceesful matings, however since I was often out for work I didn't actually see them connect. Half of my males got eaten by the female although they were fed at libitum.
