How did YOU get into mantids?


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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2016
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Paradise Valley, AZ
How did you all get into mantids? I'm curious how everybody found these amazing pets and got addicted to them! ;)

For me, I was fooling around on the internet when I discovered that you could actually order bugs online. I had always been a bug person, having caught and kept black widows and other spiders, and was naturally intrigued. I narrowed my list down to mantids and actually spent about a month researching and combing the internet for the best place to buy a mantis! I decided to get two to start, an African and a ghost. When my mantids arrived, my African was molting and I had a near disaster, which is what prompted me to join the forum in a panic searching for a way to save my mantis. Thus I discovered the rewarding world of mantis keeping! (Don't worry, the mantis was saved :) ).

Comment your own story! 

I got started by finding a Carolina mantis (Stagmomantis carolina) early one morning outside of work after a night of below freezing temps in the fall. With another freezing night ahead I took her home and searched online for information on how to care for her, and discovered the forum and hobby. :)

Susanna lived several more months, gave me many several fertile ooths, and started a life new direction for me. There are photos of her in my original introduction post, a few follow-up posts, and elsewhere. ;)

Fall, 2016, just last year, I was looking at types of snakes I wanted, when somehow, the internet lead me to ants. From there, I was obsessed with the idea of having an ant colony. This eventually lead me to other bugs you can keep as pets, including mantises. That's when I realized I love mantises. I started looking for mantises online and stuff and discovered some pretty cool websites that sold them. Unfortunately, I lost interest, until recently, like, literally this May, my love was renewed when I found a Chinese mantis at my local garden center. I named him Mandarin.

Currently, I have two mantises, Catalina (S. californica, female), and Jakarta (D. desiccata, female). I owned many more, but I went to visit my grandmother in Okinawa, and I released some of them, but a series of disasters killed many of the others... :(

Great topic. I recently started collecting a few bugs. I don't know why. I have some isopods( sow bugs, pill bugs and a couple of millipedes ) and that got me searching the internet for other insects as well. Low and behold the wonderful  world of mantids! The wonderful world of fruit flies. An so it goes.

I got my first mantis from a work mate when he bought an eggsac from the hardware store (sold as natural pest control) as a fun project to do with his kids. Upon it hatching myself an 2 other coworkers demanded nymphs of our own. I was instantly smitten! Unfortunately Vansickle did not make it to adult but he was the start of many many mantises to come. I am now known as "The Crazy Bug Lady" at work as I went ALL IN while the rest of the bug group lost interest.

I always loved orchid mantids, but I didn't know you could buy them. I went into a pet shop to buy some mice, and saw a Indian flower mantis. I said, "that's cool, but I wish I could get an orchid mantis." Turns out they had them! I told them I would be back on pay day. I came back three days later and bought one. Then I bought a shield and chinese mantis the next week. I knew I was truly an addict when I bought an ooth and kept all the nymphs. I am currently taking care of 86 chinese mantis babies.

I had never seen a mantis in the wild and had certainly never even considered that they could be kept as pets, or that they would make such cool pets.  Last fall, a friend of mine mentioned that he had a praying mantis at his desk at work at one point and the idea sounded super interesting to me so I went home and looked into keeping praying mantises, first out of curiosity but soon enough with the intent of getting one.

As it turns out, I think he meant that one had gotten into the office and was hanging out in his cubicle, not that he had kept it as a pet, haha.  Oh well, it led me in the direction of mantid keeping either way so I am happy.  I bought two Chinese nymphs and raising them myself confirmed that I am officially in love with the hobby!

I... caught an imperial moth at work. After not having insects for quite a few years catching that big and beautiful moth made me remember how cool they are. 

Next day I went hunting in my yard for some bugs, found a l3 or l4 Carolina mantis, and started reading all about mantis keep. Only then did I learn there was a whole world I didn't even know about!

I was completing a Biology project earlier this year, when I found myself looking for an example of an invertebrate, specifically an inscect. I was looking up images, then remembered how cool praying mantids were. So I went and modified my search for mantids. That's when I found a wikihow image about how to keep mantids.

I got sidetracked for like 2 hours researching these guys, going to videos, websites, anything. I studied these creatures for over a month, and finally on my birthday which just passed this summer, I was ordered my Giant Asian Mantis from Panterra Pets; and that's how I ended up with this amazing insect.

One day I learned a little bit about the mantis online and thought, "That would be such a great pet to have." So, when my mom found a mantis clinging to her car door, she decided to bring him to me. I caught food each day for him, took him for walks around the kitchen, and made sure I did a lot of research on mantises. The more I learned, the more I became fascinated with these ferocious predators. My favorite animal has been the praying mantis for several years now and I leap at any chance to have more.

I had a roommate when I was huge into tarantulas, I'm still in hobby but I'm no longer 40 species thick lol. I got him into spiders, an one day he showed up with a centipede, and 2 ghost mantis. They were so cool, they even changed color with molts. So fast forward  4 years and I'm back to focusing on my tarantulas, reading articles on change g scientific names and putting together a wish list. And once again my roommate  comes home with mantids, this time m venosa? Or so I belive. And he says you have to meet my mantis guy he can get anything. 2 weeks later I had 4 ottomantis scutigera. Whih dispite there  small stature are so awsome. Il, probably always have a mantid now. 

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I had first heard of pet mantises a year and a half or so ago; the idea intrigued me, and I wanted one, but I decided not to get one because I was afraid my mom wouldn't tolerate feeders in the house. Eventually, though, I saw a forum post about a pet mantis named Aaron Burr, which renewed my interest.

That very same day, my little brother was pestering the parental units about getting a pet, and I offhandedly suggested a mantis. Three months of research later, we got our first H. membranacea nymphs in the mail on Christmas Eve! :)

His nymph didn't make it to adulthood, but my mantis (named George) is still alive to this day. He's a male and he molted into adulthood at the start of April, I think that's pretty darn old for a male of his species. He ended up being my gateway into being allowed to have all sorts of pets, from geckos to crayfish, and I'm ordering another batch of nymphs once cold weather rolls around. :D

Eight years ago I was visited by an adult male Tenodera sinensis in Princeton, NJ.  It was a quiet Sunday afternoon and he was on the screen door of my porch.  I'd read about mantids being kept as pets, and (being a scientist) was curious.  So I asked if he wanted to come in and look around.  He really liked the free-food environment (especially yummy moths) and quickly took to hand feeding.  I was hooked. 

I wanted to get a snake, so I went to this expo drunk. Bought a pair of stick insects for some reason. I was always scared of bugs and didnt even know there were such things and sticks insects or different kinds of mantids. I think the guy let the stick insect onto my hand and I was like, to heck with my fear if insects finally. So I got these and while reading up on different stick insects I got to articles about mantids. And I was like wow, I need that lol. So the next expo there was a seller with mantids and I got 2 lineolas and since then, I am hooked. I no more keep stick insects, but I've kept and bred many a mantis and also started to keep tarantulas. I am no longer afraid of insects or spiders and it has been an amazing hobby that helps me with my depression also. 

Well as I kid I wanted a reptile as a pet, but at the time (actually until 15.08.2017 which was 2 days ago :D) Reptiles and amphibians were 100% banned, in Norway! So i wondered to myself if there was other cool thing i could have as a pet. I discovered people keeping T's and scorpions, so naturally the question was do people keep other insects? I knew people kept phasmids as they were common in pet shops, and I had no clue was a mantis was as we dont have any native species in Norway, so after keeping stick insects for 1 year or so I go on and discover these nifty little creatures named mantids, my first ever mantis was a hierodula grandis it didnt get to adult hood as it was my first carnivore I had ever kept and i really understimated the care they needed and it died in a mismoult. Now a couple of years later I keep alot of mantis and love them all :)  Right now my current species are: Gongylus gongylodus, Rhombodera. cf megaera, Phyllotelys breve, phyllocrania paradoxa, and Parasphendale agrigonia, and probobly mores to come, I hope to breed most if not all of my species to share this beautifull hobby with others in my country as most people just keep T's or GALS here so want to spread it some more ^^

I used to catch them in the field across the street and kept them as pets. In my teens I saw some amazing dead specimens from Peru and elsewhere in an entomology collection at a local college. I tried to order them from reptile dealers for years but nobody ever came through. I think my first exotics were some Heirodula patellifera nymphs from Hatari in 1994.

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I was looking to buy a lizard when the internet showed me some websites with different beetles and some mantids. Intrigued, I searched forth and discovered more and more about these wonderful little creatures. Something about them is just SO fascinating, the way they watch their surroundings, the way they walk and climb. The speed they have when catching prey and how they eat. I just knew I had to have them, so after a long search I finally found the ideal mantis: the ghost mantis. Not only because of its beauty in color and shape but also because you can house them in groups. I never really wanted a lone mantis, also because I love to create a real working vivarium with different bugs in them. Part of the fun is creating a life-like little forest in a box. I've always been fascinated by nature and learned to observe a lot, now I can create and observe. 


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