How long to hatch out of pupae?


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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2009
Reaction score
Plevna, MT
I've had my pupae Blue Bottles for about four days, how much longer until I can expect flies? Thanks!


They should eclose this time next week if you are keeping them at about 80F. Bluebottle flies spend a depressingly long time, about 11 days, as pupae and a depressingly short time as adults (a few days). This is why mantis keepers and herpers tend to keep the spikes (they seem to tolerate the cold better in the larval than in the pupal stage for me. Is that true for everyone?) and allow only as many to eclose as you will need for a few days.

Well that's depressing! lol I've been looking for flies every day. My FF culture will be here tomorrow, so that'll have to do for now I guess. Thanks, phil!


Depends. When did they go from maggot to pupa? The ones I buy that are already pupa usuallly take a couple days at most. However if they were maggots when I got them they can take several days.

It takes about 5 to 6 days for them to eclose. You can also speed this up by keeping them 80 to 85F. Don't go any hotter than that.

I based my time on the "disgusting chicken episode" of last March, in which I left out a whole chicken to lure turkey vultures close enough to photograph. It didn't work, but it produced more maggots than I have ever seen, and they pupated for about 11 days before emerging. I Googled the topic and found periods from 2-14 days. I think that the different times are more likely to be due to using different species rather than a wide range of temps.

Yes, one advantage of being in a relatively slow-flying helicopter. When my son was at a NAS in Jacksonville, Fl, a CAG was killed when his plane was struck by one of these birds, on his last flight before retiring from the navy. The birds that overwinter in Yuma nest in the same spot every year, about a mile from the airport, which is also a MCAS, and they offered free tree removal to residents, an offer that was largely ignored. In FL, though it is often the noise of the planes that make the vultures suddenly fly up from heavily wooded areas into a plane's flightpath..

They've been in the pupae stage for about 5 days now, still nothing. Is there any obvious indication that they've died if they have? They don't smell bad, and I'm keeping the jar in my ball python's cage, which is at about 80-85 degrees.

They've been in the pupae stage for about 5 days now, still nothing. Is there any obvious indication that they've died if they have? They don't smell bad, and I'm keeping the jar in my ball python's cage, which is at about 80-85 degrees.
Open a couple up.

If they were pretty fresh when you got them, and depending upon differences in ambient temps under which they are kept, they may just take a little longer. Sometimes it seems like it takes them forever to eclose. I'd just be patient; I've had ones I was beginning to suspect were duds, they were taking so long. And all of a sudden one day, they started eclosing. I'd almost thrown them out... glad I didn't! If they don't eclose within 2 weeks, then I'd give up on them.

I have flies! The only problem is, they're a lot bigger than I expected =) lol. Even my largest mantis is terrified of them. Luckily I had only about 10 maggots pupate, so I'm not wasting too many. My aunt's turtle enjoyed the ones that hatched out. I still have about 300 maggots in the fridge, so I'm all set!

I wasn't sure whether or not to make a new post, so I'll just ask here. I have my FF culture going now, with about 30 adults and literally hundreds of maggots. The only thing is, I see no pupae at all. I'm scared to feed off too many adults, because I don't want to run out. Does this happen to anyone else? Right now, they're at about 80 degrees. I have them sitting on top of my corn snake's tank, and they get radiation heat from the heat lamp. I tested the temperature with my temp gun. Thanks!


I have flies! The only problem is, they're a lot bigger than I expected =) lol. Even my largest mantis is terrified of them. Luckily I had only about 10 maggots pupate, so I'm not wasting too many. My aunt's turtle enjoyed the ones that hatched out. I still have about 300 maggots in the fridge, so I'm all set!I wasn't sure whether or not to make a new post, so I'll just ask here. I have my FF culture going now, with about 30 adults and literally hundreds of maggots. The only thing is, I see no pupae at all. I'm scared to feed off too many adults, because I don't want to run out. Does this happen to anyone else? Right now, they're at about 80 degrees. I have them sitting on top of my corn snake's tank, and they get radiation heat from the heat lamp. I tested the temperature with my temp gun. Thanks!

That happens to me a lot. If you see maggots you should start seeing pupae soon. Mels will culture much faster than hydei. You have to find the balance of making cultures using them to ensure you always have flies.

I see two pupae now, so they seem to be going. They're eating the blue food like crazy, and it looks like there might be not enough to feed all those maggots!



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