How Many Flies should I be feeding to my Mantis a day?


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Aug 10, 2014
Reaction score
TX, U.S.
I am just wondering how many Melanogaster flies I should be feeding my new Spiny Flower Mantis a day? I just got him from Peter at, he is an L2 Nymph, and I have been feeding him 2-3 Flies a day... (Is that too low, too high?) I have no idea how many I should be feeding him... I also give him a little banana at night (He seems to like it)...

Will I feed mine flies tell ther full and I wait till they get hungry again so it actually depend on your mantis on how much it wants to eat but dont over feed her just feed her as much as you think is good.

It's hard to say if that's too much or not enough... Just gauge her response to food, if she dives on the first fly she sees she's hungry so add 2-3 more flies. If they vanish drop another in front of her and continue the process until she's not interested.

After she's eaten to the point of disinterest, wait 2 days before giving her any food. This pattern will keep her intake at a good level

I feed mine as many prey items as they'll accept and then remove the extras. I've never had an issue with a mantis eating more than it physically can.

Look at its abdomen. Is the abdomen thin and flat or stretched to the max? You want it somewhere in the middle but a bit more towards the plump side. Adjust amount of flies up or down until you get it right. There is no set amount to feed them though.

I typically feed mine all they will eat, and wait a few days, and repeat, others will be fed less often ie. male Deroplatys lobata, and my heterochaeta orientalis, which typically eat less.
