how often to feed?


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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2013
Reaction score
I was just wondering if I should feed my L2 nymphs everyday? And if so should I slow the feeding down once they are full grown? Any help would be nice.



I have an abundance of fruit flies in their container, and add more when they have been fed out or die. They will feed when needed. Once the mantids get to L4/L5 and move to bigger prey items, you could feed less often, every other day. Some species will go without eating for days(with food readily available). After you've had them a while you will figure out their eating pattern. good luck

Feed them until they are fat and then put them on a diet until you see that they are slimmer. Then repeat the cycle. Mantids are not like mammals, birds, etc. where they have to eat every day. They'll be fine. Look at them like a refrigerator. You stock the refrigerator (i.e. feed the mantid) when food gets low.

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I feed every other day enough to keep them plump. Gravid females are fed daily. Up to you.

I think I'll do everyday when they are little and every other day once they are older.
Not a bad idea but you will find gravid females need a lot of food. Also, mantids aren't like other common pets that need to be fed daily. If they are nice and plump there is no reason to feed them every day.
