How old was your oldest mantid?


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My oldest is still kickin', she's a wild caught Heirodula sp., just over six months old, now :]

What's the secret to having a mantis live 1+ years? How often and how much do you guys feed your adults (and does that have an effect on their life span)?

Deroplatys desiccata female, adult for a bit more than 16 months ;)
Sweet! The oldest Ive had was a Popa spurca, named Rekka, female. She lived a year and some days. I also have a Budwing who will be on her 12th month in September, so in a few days!

Chaeta mantis! Lived one year and eight months
Awesome! I have a Budwing thats coming up on her 12th month, in september. The oldest so far was Rekka, my female Popa spurca, who lived a year and a few days.

My oldest is still kickin', she's a wild caught Heirodula sp., just over six months old, now :]

What's the secret to having a mantis live 1+ years? How often and how much do you guys feed your adults (and does that have an effect on their life span)?
Nice! My Tenodera usually live around that long, yours is still going so she may live quite a while, who knows, but my Tenodera usually live up to 8-9 months. I think it definitely depe ds on the species. I had an adult female Popa spurca, Rekka, who lived a year and a few days. And I have a Budwing now, Vegrandis, who will be a year in september. 11 months is average for the Popa spurce, and 10 months is average for the Parasphendale agrionina. I feed mine quite often, my Budwing is always a big fatty. Every other day? I give her just about anything, budwings arent as sensitive as other mantids may be. Ive fed her salamanders, grasshoppers, crickets, flies, maggots, worms. I give her water every day, not through misting, i actually take her out and put a cap filled with water in it. She senses the water with her antennae usually and then bends down to drink. Other times i have to hold the cap, tilt it at her mouth, then she realises its water. Kind of like holding a cup to your childs mouth. Lol. I also provide heat lamps, ive read that that makes them live shorter lives but im not totally convinced. she has laid about 7 oothecae, im not sure if laying eggs keeps them living longer or what. Rekka had laid a couple of infertiles. And my oldest Tenodera had laid a bunch as well.

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Nikki Mantis (The Great and Powerful). Female Tenodera sinensis; 14 months and Ponder, a Parasphendale affinis female - 14 months.

Nikki Mantis (The Great and Powerful). Female Tenodera sinensis; 14 months and Ponder, a Parasphendale affinis female - 14 months.
Awesome! my Tenodera dont seem to live that long, maybe because they reach adulthood quite quickly due to my constant feeding, lol.

And my budwing will be at 12 months this september, all her brothers and sisters have died at 9 months.

Wow digger, nice job buddy.

What's your secret?... If you don't mind. I want to get as much time with my T. Sin as I can.

Wow this is interesting.. I wonder what the answer was 10 years ago

The more we learn.. The better for them
