How?!? (Otomantis scutigera)


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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
Kelowna, British Columbia Canada
Hey guys,

I'm just really suprised in the size difference between L4 and L5.. Mine is just finishing up molting to L5 right now and she/he is like twice the size! Lol. Have you guys noticed this with the species??


Did it make it out of the old exoskeleton?
Still stuck, but just the tips of the back two legs are stuck still.. I've lost like 6 hours of sleep helping him out, It looks like he may have a hard time with one of his raptorial arms but he may be able to survive to the next molt.UPDATE: he just made it out completely.. His front 2 legs work normally but his back 2 look sorta bent weirdly buy we'll see when they dry out.. And his left raptorial is being held underneath the right one.. Sorta like a cross.. He still has grip so I can just hand feed him and whatever to the next molt if he makes it that far.

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6 hours to molt? It shouldn't take that long. And just like you said he might need hand feed for a bit.

No more like 10 hours.. But I had to get at least 4 hours of sleep lol.. He is out now though and I know it should only be like 15 minutes. One of my rhombodera's molted fine but the boxer didn't :( I will help him out to the next molt though

Don't help him unless he really needs it. Just help him eat and make sure it's humid enough next time he molts. Hopefully the little guy pulls through. Good luck.

don't touch them or even try to open the lid when molting .... wrong move will make then fall off . is very rare they fall off for the small sp ... i have only see less the 5% fall off . unless it was interrupted during molting .

don't touch them or even try to open the lid when molting .... wrong move will make then fall off . is very rare they fall off for the small sp ... i have only see less the 5% fall off . unless it was interrupted during molting .
I didn't touch it.. I only removed the lid after he fell.. He fell because his arm was stuck and almost all of the rest of the body wasn't.. And this was like 30 mins after he started when he fell.

10 hours? Ouch, sounds like quite the ordeal. Goes to show the importance of humidity I guess.

What about the original question?

10 hours? Ouch, sounds like quite the ordeal. Goes to show the importance of humidity I guess.

What about the original question?
Lol this thread changed to mismolting lol...

Also the little guy is doing much better.. He is able to eat, walk and hang upside down he is still deformed and can't eat on his own but he can with my help. :)


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