How to differentiate pine from hardwood?


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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2017
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I have hatching D. Tityus eggs and I am trying to differntiate if the lwood I have now is pine or hardwood. How do you tell which is which? The wood reeks of fungus and is sort of yellowish white and breaks with a little bit of effort from my hammer...

Can you provide a picture? I can't guarantee that we can ID it but pictures will help a lot. Other than that pine is significantly softer than most hard woods. If it is wet and moldy though it will all be soft.

Sounds as if it could be any type of wood if rotten , if it is pine you can leave an impression with your fingernail . Pine is a soft wood with wide growth rings , yellowish or white coloured.  Hard wood  has narrower growth rings and  can not be marked by any thing other than a sharp tool , hammer or pointed instrument .   Hope that works for you ....... S

Hmm I can't get a pic to upload but I can desccribe it in detail- it is orange when it is wet, but pale white, maybe cream when dried. It breaks apart in whole strips instead of chunks, and the outside is smooth and greenish- sorta black- gray. It also shatters rather easily too.

look for something that has recognizable bark on it and compare it to living trees. Birch has really distinctive bark that's still intact long after the wood has rotted thoroughly.
