Likebugs (site changed my name😐)
That is why I distract the mantis with an insect, and don't pull!One time this happened to my dad's friend and when he pulled the mantis off its head and forelegs stayed on his finger.
That is why I distract the mantis with an insect, and don't pull!One time this happened to my dad's friend and when he pulled the mantis off its head and forelegs stayed on his finger.
LOL tell Psychobunny that!That is why I distract the mantis with an insect, and don't pull!
I have noticed that when my mantis starts to nibble on my finger they are thirsty. They seem to want to drink the sweat off my hand. Sure enough I give them water from a bamboo stick and they drink like no ones business. Try to give them water and see what happens.I tried that with the mantis that has been giving me the most trouble. It's an Asian mantis ( I have no idea what it is) and just yesterday I went in to take all of the bug parts and poopy out of his cage. I reached in to take a bit of a cricket out and he lunged at my tasty fingers and started to nibble. So I sprayed water on him and I guess that just fueled his need to feed and he started to hurt and draw blood. Now I'm gonna wear a glove to do anything with him as stated some where on this topic.