How to keep nymphs?


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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2011
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I have all these new bws(about 150) and I've separated them into groups of 5-8 in small containers but am wondering if this is needed at this early stage?I know they'd be easier to feed if they were all housed in a larger container together but is there an advantage to having them divided up at this early stage?


I leave them together until I find them eating quite a few of their siblings. If fed well, this shouldn't be a problem. Just give them plenty of elbow/raptor room or they can easily reach out and touch someone...and not in a good way. Especially if they are hungry and a brother or sister is molting within reach. I have 6 budwings probably L5 living together in a single 9" square storage container with a screened top. That number has not changed for quite some time. I say separate only what you will need to breed when the numbers get low. I'm not real worried about the 6 together, as I have had 2 other ooths hatch and have plenty of insurance for the next generation.

go with his advise, and be sure they have enough room to not be run over. If they hatched in a 32oz cup, it is to small for that many to molt, you need a bigger house.
