I have a European mantis that just got his wings the other day and I've been trying to get him to fly for me. Any suggestions?
I read this wrong at first and thought you were telling him to use a spoon to flick it to force it to fly lolfirst off it must be male
secondly they dont start flying for a few days, then any spook will make them take off lol
This is the best way to start getting them to fly. Some mantids are more brave than others. One thing I noticed with my males is that once they figure out they can fly they will a lot.yep, IMO best not to encourage any flying yet. The wings might not yet be up to the task. Not sure if you've done this with him as a nymph, but after a few days you can take him out on your hand and get his attention by bringing your other hand close. When he begins stretching for it, move the hand out of his reach. If he's still interested he will sway a little, crouch, and then leap. He will probably spread and beat his wings while doing so. You can repeat the procedure by increasing the distance you want him to jump. There's always a chance he'll overshoot and fly across the room, so take care to shut the windows..
Another way I can think of would be to let him crawl onto any high, isolated, and exposed place (like the top of a pole set on end). Chances are that he will be looking about for a place to get to. You can wait for him to make a decision, or get his attention by holding something out at him. If left alone, he may just take off and fly in whichever direction he pleases.
All the best