i cant see the pic . as it says i need to log in :? even though i dont have an account ! if she is using it i wudnt do anything . they sometimes straighten as they go along about a week after the initial shed . i wudnt just go and snip it now . if its still bad in a week then i would ask this question again and wait for other forum members to answer . i dont like going around snipping there limbs off when they still use them .
if she is the same size as the male then she isnt subadult . she is sub-sub adult . she looks like she has wing buds , but they are her beggening ones , not her actualy ones ( i thought my giant asian female was subadult because she had wing buds but then she shed again and had bigger ones ) another well to tell is look at the wing buds themselfs . if they have like littly veins it means sub . if not . sub sub . hope this helps