How to tell the gender - Orthodera novaezealandiae


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Feb 14, 2014
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I was visiting someone, and saw a Orthodera novaezealandiae just casually standing on the ground by my car. I excitedly gathered it up and brought it home. I haven't come across one for... Well many years!

It is an adult. I can't find much about telling the male and female apart online, and it is so active and skittish that it won't really stay still for me to have a look.

Does anyone have any information on hand that might help?

I'm hoping to go hack and explore and see if I can find any others, there was a big hill with lots of bush and scrubland across from their house.

This mantis is so different to the miomantis caffra that is more common in gardens here, it spends half the day running around trying to escape. I opened the door to pop a fly in, and Orthodera novaezealandiae made a beeline for the opening and ran out! Caffra never does this.

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Counting the segments on the underside  of the abomen. (See pic) That helped me to see what gender my mantis is.


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I think she also, she's very hard to get a good look at though. Is very active! Our other mantid's are happy to sit on a hand and be looked at, she will do her best to run up your arm or run across a table.


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