Huge Male H. majuscula!


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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction score
Carbondale Illinois
I woke up to this huge fella looking at me this morning. This is by far the largest male I have ever had. Sorry about the quality.




He is bigger than my females.

Is he living in a deli cup still? Give him some room!

And my ipad keeps changing some to S&M. I have never typed that word before in my life until now. Gross.

Is he living in a deli cup still? Give him some room!

And my ipad keeps changing some to S&M. I have never typed that word before in my life until now. Gross.
No. I have him in a 12x7.I'm sorry about the ipad. I'll let Tim Cook know next time I see him :)

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cant wait till my males grow up i have to get a female somhow though... how big are normal males and normale females jw

Females get around 3.5 inches sometimes as big as 4 inches. Males are about an inch smaller and thinner. This guy is 4 inches and has more girth. I hope he plays nice when it comes time for him and Sue to visit the mantis motel :)

Ya i had a huge Blue flash Male as well Female 7-8cm but this male is 9cm.. All my 25 H. majuscula is ether Pre-Sub or Sub Adult so ... Can't to see a beast soon .. I have few big Sub-Adult Females hope she can be Over 10cm ... Biggest

Biggest Female H. majuscula my Austria Friend keeped was 11.3cm .



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