Humbertiella ceylonica


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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
Cannot tell much about it I am afraid.The ooth I got was coming from India.More than 60 nymphs came out from the ooth.

They are very fast and very agressive.Like most bark mantis it can make quick U turn or even 360°turn.When they see a prey they focuse and run for it.

I fed them on fruitflies during their ealry months,then recently switched to tiny crickets.

Although their agressivity they are very communal.I kept a dozen in a terra,no cannibalism.

They are around 3cm big when adult.

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Nice pics! Can't wait to see adults in person.

For anyone in the US, I should have these available before too long. Mine are pre-sub or sub. Let me know if you are interested and I'll start a list. First come first serve.

Here's a closeup of a nymph...


And an L5 molt...


More later. ;)

As usual your photos are amazing...You are killing me!!! :gun_bandana:

I am going to get rid of my crappy Pana FX-48 to get a better camera then I could try to challenge you(just allow me 15 to 20 years!)

As usual your photos are amazing...You are killing me!!! :gun_bandana:

I am going to get rid of my crappy Pana FX-48 to get a better camera then I could try to challenge you(just allow me 15 to 20 years!)
It's not a competition.. but BRING IT! :angry: I'll shoot you full of holes like Swiss cheese! :2guns:

Seriously though, all you'd need is the right equipment. You're already taking good photos. I especially like the shots where it's sitting up with its claws in front of it. Hard to get them in that pose because they're so skittish.

This one:


The bottom line is a $130 point-&-shoot will never compete with $2,000 worth of pro gear. It's just a matter of commitment.

I only wish I had some horseheads to photograph. :shifty:

wow man that molting pic is amazing.
Thanks. I have shots like this of every species I've kept. I love these shots because it's one of the rare times they are in a symmetrical pose. And some species it's the only time they stay still!

They are so fast it's crazy. Just the way they race around the enclosure sometimes is amazing. I'm glad they don't do that when I'm handling them.


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