Hysteresis' Mantis Stream - 2019


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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2018
Reaction score
Winterfell, The North
I have to apologize for poor forum etiquette. I ought have started one topic to share my mantis experience (essentially photos, along with some rhetoric. LoL).

That's what I see most of you that I interact with do. So, i'll point the others here (and vice versa), and continue with just the one. Sorry. 😖 

Old Hierodula venosa topic: 

Old Rhombodera megaera topic: 

Old Miomantis caffra topic: 

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HOPE - here she goes again! She seems more willing to climb these last couple of days.

Maybe she's still hungry and is thinking she should find some food?


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Mantids like to hang on something and not sitting on the ground. Maybe she is feeling a bit better and wants to hang.

I was wondering. The black body parts: did they get worse of not?

I was wondering. The black body parts: did they get worse of not?
Yes, I imagine she prefers to stay off her belly but, it seems that's not possible most of the time. She tries, but it's hard to grapple so it's hard to climb.

The black is not getting worse at the moment. I take a lot of pics so I can observe. Time will tell. Her tibial articulation has gotten better on her left side.

She took another two small crickets and her belly seems kind of full - not gorged. Her metabolism certainly isn't suffering by my observation. 

How much and how frequently do you feed your golden? Mine seem bottomless pits! But the crickets and dubia bits I give her are modest in size.

Noël is in another universe altogether. She doesn't bloat and just keeps eating and pooping. 🤣

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Hope looks like she is trying to be normal! That is a good sign. I hope that she keeps eating well and that she has a good molt. You are doing a great job with her. It is AWESOME that you are getting ghosts and spinys! They are both great species with great personalities!

- MantisGirl13

Hope looks like she is trying to be normal! That is a good sign. I hope that she keeps eating well and that she has a good molt. You are doing a great job with her.
Thank you. I'm trying hard to give her a chance. She's just too strong to give up on.

It is AWESOME that you are getting ghosts and spinys! They are both great species with great personalities!
Right? The spinys came out of nowhere. LoL. When he offered them up, I was elated! It'll be a short wait but it'll be worthwhile. Very decent price too.

Names for the rest of my mantis gang, in homage of The Dark Tower series by Steven King... say thankya.

L4 Rhombo nymphs, both males. [1] Roland and [2] Randall

L5 Mio nymphs, both males. [4] Eddie and [1] Jake

L4 Mio nymph, female. [3] Susannah

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It does sound as if Hope is trying to be a normal mantis, and that is a great sign ❤️👍 Can't wait to see those Ghosts and Spinys (though I'm certain you can't either)! 

It does sound as if Hope is trying to be a normal mantis, and that is a great sign ❤️👍 Can't wait to see those Ghosts and Spinys (though I'm certain you can't either)! 
Hope is a beast. If she makes it, I HAVE to try to breed her. Good blood in that one. All ive found so far are a pair of newly molted male L5 goldens. They can't catch up to the girls.

New babies: I am losing my mind with excitement. 

I need to shuffle my crew around. I'll need my nymph jars for the little babies coming.

I think I'll need to order some of those nice deli cups with vented lids for the mios.

Noël will get a proper front-hinged terrarium. Hope will get one too if she pulls through. The old golden bins will be for the rhombos until they grow a bit more, then I'll part off the small aquarium I had gravid Lola in, to house them both.

GASP! This is so much fun.

GASP! This is so much fun.
Right?! Hope is clearly a fighter and deserves to be a queen 👸 The hustle and bustle of new arrivals is always exciting 

I just received my L1 orchids from Yankeeman and am trying to warm them and see if they are alive. A few aren't looking good, one is definitely dead, but also... One is molting to L2 in front of me right now. My L5 females are watching the new arrivals with a fierce interest 😲 good thing there are walls between them! 

Sending love to Hope for a good molt ❤️

I just received my L1 orchids from Yankeeman and am trying to warm them and see if they are alive. A few aren't looking good, one is definitely dead, but also... One is molting to L2 in front of me right now. My L5 females are watching the new arrivals with a fierce interest 😲 good thing there are walls between them! 
Sorry you lost one! Not enough heat pack? I hope the rest recover well.

My goldens and shields were a bit cool with one heat pack. I asked dude to send two packs this time.

Hope sends her love back. 🤣👌 

EDIT: Congratulations on your L2 molt!

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Sorry you lost one! Not enough heat pack? I hope the rest recover well.

My goldens and shields were a bit cool with one heat pack. I asked dude to send two packs this time.

Hope sends her love back. 🤣👌 

EDIT: Congratulations on your L2 molt!
Yes, I did not see any heat packs at all, though they were otherwise packed pretty well (I did request heat packs and he said they would be included) . I paid for express in hopes of reducing their transit time, but he shipped on a Friday pm and I just received them 😔 I would've been fine with him waiting until Wednesday to ship due to holidays, but in hindsight I didn't specify, so I'll take some blame on that. I'm literally always willing to wait or pay more money for extra heat and insulation, just so I don't endure the heartbreak of dead mantids. As long as they are okay, I suppose it doesn't matter, though. One is dead, one has a hurt leg, but the other 8 are doing fine.

Pretty cool to watch a molt from L1, got to see the red and black turn to pink and white 😁❤️

@Graceface... well, ye know....

Thoughts like heating, weather at both ends, insulation, and timing the shipment come pretty clearly. They did to me as a newcomer.

So how? 🤔 

How bad is the leg injury?

In the end, as long as you're satisfied. 

Id love to see an L1 to L2 orchid molt.  Are they always red and black? Sooo cute.

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Well, ye know....

Thoughts like heating, weather at both ends, insulation, and timing the shipment come pretty clearly. They did to me as a newcomer.

So how? 🤔

How bad is the leg injury?
Well, it seems to move, but it also seems to spend time sticking straight and against its abdomen so... Idk.

It's leg can regenerate in the molt as long as it is otherwise healthy, so I believe it stands a good chance. They are about to molt so we will see soon enough. 

Didn't mean to hijack your mantis thread with my mantis issues, lol. 


I'd love to see an L1 to L2 orchid molt.  Are they always red and black? Sooo cute.
At L1 they are red and black, at L2 hot pink and white, at L3 they begin to take on the white with pink accents look, and at L4 the color band becomes pronounced. Pretty at every step, too

That is the CUTEST nymph I've ever seen! I'm sure it'll be fine.

My guy doesnt like to ship anything younger than L2 or L3 in this weather.

Maybe L1s tolerate cold better than older nymphs tho. Thats just a thought.

That is the CUTEST nymph I've ever seen! I'm sure it'll be fine.

My guy doesnt like to ship anything younger than L2 or L3 in this weather.

Maybe L1s tolerate cold better than older nymphs tho. Thats just a thought.
I almost asked him to wait until L2 for their well being. At least I got to see L1s in person 😊 They are freaking adorable.

Lil hurty, aka O-45, is moving and curious so I think it'll be fine

There's another thing.  O-45. I do that kind of thing too. I guess you'd have to, being a breeder. 

I have a spreadsheet to track events from the most recent back, for each mantis. Today they all got names.

Why do I name 'em? 🤔

I name mine, but only after I know the sex for certain. Until that time, they are called by their assigned number. I use a letter (O for orchid, G for Ghost) and a number to distinguish between specimens. The number is on their care sheet, where I log daily care data, birth/arrival dates, molts, etc.

To make it easier on me for the naming, #1 gets an A name, 2 gets a B name, etc and I restart at 27 with A again. Which means our new buddy O-45 will have an S name, when the time comes. It'll be a while. 

I could go with unisex names to avoid the delay, but I'm lazy and it all sounds like too much work😅😂 there are at least 10 unnamed sexed mantids in my care currently. Looks like I'll keep the numbers and wait to name. Procrastination FTW! 

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