I lost my Abby today


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I just wanted to say Thank You for all your wishes for us. This is still really hard to deal with, I am still greiving and crying every day, it is all the little moments that bring on the pain, like going outside with coffee for our first pee, taking the fly bottles outside to empty for another pee or poo, at 4 pm she wanted her dinner, and would come pester me till I fed her, after taking a shower and putting my washcloth on the clothes bin, she would wait till I wasn't around and go pull it on the floor, or playing with her baby toy after dinner, squeaking constantly till she was happy she made it squeak enough. She loved peanut butter, I would put a big spoonful in an old peanut butter jar and she would take it and spend 20 minutes licking it out. After dinner, she would go outside for her last job and either lay and wait for daddy to come from the barn, she could watch the barn from the patio door, ( cause he always gave her cookies) or she would come into the bugatorium with me and lay while I worked. We still look not to step on her at night, or when I go to the fridge, she always lays in the way, she hated storms, and used to hide in the small bathroom, she knew where the safe room was. I miss my Abby, I don't think I can ever do this again, it is too painful.

Once again, thanks for you thoughts and wishes. I did not mean to write all this.

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that is so sad :( dogs are just a wonderful part of our lives and when they go they take so much of our hearts with them

there are so many nice dogs in my neighborhood like a burneese mountain dog and a shnauzer and a lab and a puppy that is some mix but is so cute, as well as a lab/border collie mix that is some guys but she is nice and follows me when I'm getting hickory in the woods (she knows that there will be sticks involved, and she loves to play fetch) and then this cute little bijon who is like 14 years old but has been suffering from cancer for like a year, anyways, dogs are so wonderful especially when they are excited to see people and are friendly and quiet (the only neighborhood dog here I don't like is my neighbors' miniature shnauzer, she is so loud and mean)

but I know you'll miss Abby so much she looked like a wonderful dog :( :( :(

this is one of the sadest things I read all day :( :( :(


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