I think you're freaky and I like you a lot...


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CURSES! I caught myself "hearing" that in the shower this morning. It is quite an infectious groove and I'm INFECTED! :eek: I can't get it out of my head. :lol:

Demon? Did you say demon? How can he be a demon when he's wearing a skirt made from the US flag? No, he's an American horned gentleman, and his heart is as big as all outdoors (well, it was).

Glad you mentioned the flag, though. It shows for less than a second, I think, but it changes a bit of grisly fun into a political statement if that's what you're into.
I think he may be a North American Horned Demon (Daemonicus cernunnos) accidentally introduced in the early 70's by Aleister Crowley's conjure-happy Thelemite practitioners. According to my National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Afterlife (I have the 1985 edition so it's a little dated but should still be accurate) the spermatophore of Daemonicus cernunnos is the heart! I don't know why it didn't occur to me earlier but this makes complete sense in relation to the video.

Ah, the Thelemites! Who but you would know about that delightfully crazed bunch of happy wanderers? And of course, it is a viable possibility. I have only looked at its founder in the context of the late Victorian upper class culture with all of those prejudices like antisemitism, misogynism and cautious drug abuse ( not to mention lousy poetry!) that have so embarrassed his modern chroniclers, and until I just Googled it, had no idea that there was an extant lodge in the US. What fun!

O.K. as a punishment for your "elitism", and because you are a musician, please post a clip in the Happy Birthday Amadeus thread. I am not sure that many others will! :D

Just in case you did not know Henry, but they will be playing in Philly on 2-9.

I have to say the Evil Boy video is awesome! It is definitely not for children.

Yolandi Vi$$er is so hot!!! :wub: She can tear my hart out anytime! :lol:

Just in case you did not know Henry, but they will be playing in Philly on 2-9.

I have to say the Evil Boy video is awesome! It is definitely not for children.

Yolandi Vi$$er is so hot!!! :wub: She can tear my hart out anytime! :lol:
Haha! I know. I'm still considering hitting that show. None of my friends are cool enough to go. <_<

I'm with you... Yolandi is 50% white trash, 50% rhesus monkey and 100% awesome!


"Yolandi is 50% white trash, 50% rhesus monkey and 100% awesome!"

Whire trash, Henry? What color is the regular kind? :D
Trash comes in all colors of the rainbow. Trashiness is an equal opportunity proposition. Like deciding to stop breathing and sit at the bottom of the barrel. White trash is the most entertaining. Just watch Gummo or The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia as proof. Two of my favorites. I'd post the trailers but I don't want to get spanked by an admin. Oh, man... so hard to resist posting a clip...

Or better yet, search out a short film called Umshini Wam that Die Antwoord did with the director of Gummo, Harmony Korine... :D :lol: :D

Another funny movie is "Sordid Lives". It's "a black comedy about white trash." :lol:

That Yolandi Vi$$er is truly somethin' else, for sure. In a league all her own. I'm kinda glad. Is that really her at 6? I thought I had it bad. :no:

That Yolandi Vi$$er is truly somethin' else, for sure. In a league all her own. I'm kinda glad. Is that really her at 6? I thought I had it bad. :no:
I'm pretty sure that really is her. The photo has been floating around for a while. Definitely looks like her!

Good try, Henry, but yr reference to W. Virginia says it all. "White trash" is a blatantly racist term, whether you intended it or not.
Are you still mad from when I called you a cracker? :lol:

What can I say? I'm a big racist. :rolleyes: Against my own race no less. Call the paradox police.

We're talking about the girl I love, anyway. And they've said the same about themselves in interviews.

And besides, the dictionary says it's americanism, not racism. It may be "Disparaging and Offensive". Big whoop.

white trash

noun Slang: Disparaging and Offensive .

1. a member of the class of poor whites, especially in the southern U.S.

2. poor whites collectively.


1850–55, Americanism

By the way, I also said she's 50% rhesus monkey. Is that racist too?

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Good try, Henry, but yr reference to W. Virginia says it all. "White trash" is a blatantly racist term, whether you intended it or not.
OK... I thought about it more and now I'm absolutely sure white trash is not racist.

In order to be racist a term must be derogatory in relation to race. In white trash "white" is only a desctiptive term. The derogatory portion is "trash" which relates to social or financial status. It doesn't make fun of their race but the fact that they are poor or low class. If anything it is a social insult that has nothing to do with race. Poor and uneducated is not a race.

In addition the essentially interchangeable terms "white trash", "trailer trash" and "red neck" are readily embraced by the groups they apply to.




A fondness for Capuchin monkeys, Henry is called "beastophilia" :D

Quoting an unnamed dictionary at me is a little like my giving you potted definitions of popular music in order to "prove' a point.

The fact remains, though, that though you ascribe "all the colors of the rainbow", to "trash", the fact that we refer to "white trash" and not "black trash" should tell you something In the south, they cook green tomatoes and call them that to distinguish the from red tomatoes. No one thinks of calling red tomatoes, though, anything but "tomatoes".

But of course I was joking. Twisting an accepted meaning to a linguistic one to snap at your rear.

It is truly better to give than to receive! :D

A fondness for Capuchin monkeys, Henry is called "beastophilia" :D

Quoting an unnamed dictionary at me is a little like my giving you potted definitions of popular music in order to "prove' a point.

Sure, sure.. taking a shining to monkeys is beastophile, but what about half-monkeys? Would that be hybridophile? I need to know because I'm updating my profile at Match.com.

I'll have you know that definition came from the 2009 version of the Merriam-Webster KKK Grand Dragon Edition Dictionary. Isn't that what everyone uses?

Is this better?

From World English Dictionary - Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins

Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 (Sorry, I don't know the page number.)


— n

1. the belief that races have distinctive cultural characteristics determined by hereditary factors and that this endows some races with an intrinsic superiority over others

2. abusive or aggressive behaviour towards members of another race on the basis of such a belief

"White" for me is not another race. And I'm not saying all white people are trash. Just the trashy ones.

So, HA! Read it and weep! Or better yet, read it then press play below...

"Beastophilia" is another of those copulated up words that tries to marry Latin with Greek (miscegenation?) so instead of shifting the balance by using "semi" or "hemi", I'd suggest that nice Germanic word "half", so "halfbeastophilia" will serve for a three-way tie.

I don't know what to tell you about dictionaries. For scholarly purposes I always used the OED for etymology and Webster's 4th for American usage (though see what they do to "jambalaya"!), but of course my vocabulary is so humungous that I scarcely need them any more! :) and my faithful Webster's seems to get a little heavier every year.

I was touched by yr haunting trombone snippets, so here is one for you, should Yolandi ever leave you to return to her extended family, This aria has been increasingly on my mind of late.

Che faro senza Yolandi: (and any of you who is not into all that operatic muck may enjoy the girl on girl action):

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"Beastophilia" is another of those copulated up words that tries to marry Latin with Greek (miscegenation?) so instead of shifting the balance by using "semi" or "hemi", I'd suggest that nice Germanic word "half", so "halfbeastophilia" will serve for a three-way tie.


I was touched by yr haunting trombone snippets, so here is one for you, should Yolandi ever leave you to return to her extended family, This aria has been increasingly on my mind of late.
Really, Phil... Lesbian necrophilia? This is a family-friendly forum! Egads! :blink:

"Halfbeastophilia" sounds more like love of centaurs or mermaids, but I bow to your superior command of words.

Hmmm... I don't see "halfbeastophilia" in the drop down menu at Match.com. Oh, well. We'll let that be a surprise. Women love surprises.

I must say, "Sad Trombone" is my favorite classical piece. Short but sweet. :p

This more modern interpretation is also very moving...
