Id help, please?


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May 16, 2012
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Hi, im new here :) And i will go write an introduction soon, but this is kind of "needed to know yesterday", so i guess this will be my first post then :)

Im getting a few L1 mantids soon, hopefully tomorrow. But the seller does not know what species it is, so i thought id hear if someone here could be of assitance?

Its still small, so im not sure if its even doable at this point, but here goes nothing!

*Pic is from seller, so i cant take creditt for the good quality*


I hope you are able to share som light in this, so i can prepare the correct conditions for my new little ones. :)

(And i will do the introduction-part as soon as im done with my home-assignmets... XD )

I'm new here too. The way I found what kind mine was (I found her on my neighbors house) was by scouring through google images and cross referencing with more reputable sites (dot org type sites). I hope this helps some? And welcome to the forums! :)

I think it's a Tenodera sinensis (Chinese mantis).

Welcome to the forum! :)

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I got told they are considered a pest in their region, and this ootheca comes from Illinois, US.

I have been told they are big enough to take down hummingbirds there, and thats one of the reasons its considered a pest.

Does that help to narrow it down a bit more?

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Thanks a lot, folks!

Now i have a chance to give the babies what they need from day 1 to try better theire chanses for survival :)

*atm my 10 year old daughter is out cathing fruitflies... and the ones she already got is in a glas muntching on honny and sugarwater... need i say shes extatic about the newcombers*

We are only getting two this time, so i really hope they will survive... at least one of them XD

We will do our best for sure :)

We got ourselves some very small houseflies, and that has to do for the first meal.

I live in Norway, folks.... the small peaceloving country with all the fjords and snowy mountains... :) Theres still a tad too cold outside for the mosquitos to crawl out of the waterpools. *lol*

But we are gettig there!

The houseflies here are probably as small as your bigger mosquitos, though, so i think they will be happy with that :)

Oh, and our kids are used to a bit of work, so all is goooood


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over here they come to lights right after sunset...
Hmmmmm, are you sure they are not midges? Mosquitoes are about the size of House Flies while midges are smaller (perfect for Tenodera sinensis L1 nymphs).
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