Idolomantis diabolica - New pics september 03


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There's such foul weather here nowadays, such it's not much more to do then to stay inside and take pictures...




Very nice pics ... thanks for sharing ... the more i see of these the more i think i want them more than the violin .... however i am not ready to give them a try yet .... Asians are test subject 1 ... hehehe

It started to lose its color? I thought it would gain more color as it molts.

It's blackish at L1 (after moult), and has the pink/purplish color at L2, and at the rest of the instars it has this brownish grasscoloration all the way till it's adult.. and then BOOM :)

amazing work did u do them shots with white backgrownd..what flash and is it a home made studio u use? what lighting do u use?

amazing work did u do them shots with white backgrownd..what flash and is it a home made studio u use? what lighting do u use?
Thanks - amazing what can be done with only a 1:1 Nikon, and extensiontubes on some of the headshots ;)

The backgrounds differs, as I use both white paper, colored A3 cardboard and even a T-shirt in the background if it has the right color.

As for lighting I use a mix between a extrenal flash with a softbox, triggered wireless, natural lighting and a 200W halogenlamp. All pics is taken in my livingroom :)
