I acquired a diabolica ooth in the mail today, and I was wondering if there are any specifics or tested true methods for this specie's ooth specifically. I see hearsay about keeping them just like the nymphs, some people say hot and dry, some people say hot and humid, and some people say room temperature works fine. Sources about this species are very inconsistent as well, I see people saying that in order for them to molt, they need a ton of humidity(with ventilation of course), but other sources say hot and dry to replicate African weather is the way to let them molt, saying that the sheds crack off until subadult and don't require much humidity. However, molting and incubating are two very different issues, and I'd like to hear about tested and true methods. I'm worried about using a heat lamp, because even though Idolomantis are a heat-loving species, I'm afraid I'll cook them when they're liquidy eggs. I currently am keeping them in a well ventilated cup, on a foam platform with a water droplet on the opposite side of the cup for humidity. I don't think that's very ideal. Any suggestions?