I'm a mantis mommy!


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New member
Dec 11, 2016
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Hi! My name is Kam. I'm fairly new to taking care of my two ghost mantis babies. I've had them for about a month now! I thought it'd be a good idea to create an account on here for whenever I experience anything different with them, so I can ask others who might have the knowledge! Especially since today, I held my babies after eating raspberries and they seemed to enjoy licking my red-stained fingers from the juices. Just wondering if it's alright for my mantises to have a treat like that every once in a while- in moderation! Also, I'm sure it would have to be organic, because of pesticides and all that fun stuff. So yeah! :)

Hello Kam and welcome to the forum

Ghosts are a great hardy species well suited for beginners, so you shouldn't run into any issues, but if you do just search the forum and/or ask. I've raised many myself and my longest lived mantid was a Ghost female that lived 15 months. :)

Regarding the raspberries it should be a non-issue as it is highly recommended to wash your hands before and after handling any pet to prevent issues of passing any materials. In nature though some species may get a taste of raspberries once and awhile from some of their prey, or passing through a area with them.

Mantids are good at regulating what is good or not for them thankfully, and will not eat or throw-up things they should not have. I've heard of some using bananas occasionally too, but all fruit is a weekly treat at most and best avoided.

Mantids though love honey and is a great treat that most keepers have used for years - just dip a toothpick into it and offer it to them (some need a taste first, so placing a small amount on a forearm lets them try it when they clean it off (they are like cats in cleaning)). In nature they have access to honey/pollen from bees and other flying prey.

Just be sure to get real honey from a bee-keeper, farmers market, or such as the stuff sold in stores labelled 100% honey isn't even considered honey by most people even in the food industry (due to the excess filtering and unclaimed additives) - see here...

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thanks so much! I understand cleanliness is very important. I have seen videos of a ghost mantis eat honey and bananas! But I didn't know that they were so great about knowing what to eat or not eat... I first wondered if they would be like dogs, which can't have certain veggies/fruits. Luckily I have an idea of where to get real honey instead of store-bought!

thanks so much! I understand cleanliness is very important. I have seen videos of a ghost mantis eat honey and bananas! But I didn't know that they were so great about knowing what to eat or not eat... I first wondered if they would be like dogs, which can't have certain veggies/fruits. Luckily I have an idea of where to get real honey instead of store-bought!
Your welcome, and enjoy your babies. :D Do you have any photos of them? ;)

I don't have my latest pics uploaded yet. These were taken right when I got them! They've gone through a growth spurt since then, and I'm pretty sure they're male and female. I hope I'll get to take care of more babies in the future!








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