Im a noob breeder need help!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
Northern California
uhh... i got 4 ootheca laid within 2 weeks of eachother.... i have no idea what to do with them. i only have 1 container sufficient for an ootheca hatching. HELP ME!


Lol Erick...just keep the others in the fridge or in a plastic cup outside and release the nymphs in the spring.

Well, yeah, they'll eat each other either way. You can hatch them out in smaller containers and then move them to something larger, or you can do what I said before and release the nymphs in the spring.

if u want to keep them and have them all hatch, just use a box (do a search cause somewhere on here is pic I made of one) and use screen . a box is a s good a house as any!

if u want to keep them and have them all hatch, just use a box (do a search cause somewhere on here is pic I made of one) and use screen . a box is a s good a house as any!
Yeah, that really was a great box, cheap and effective. I tried searching <cardboard box> but our engine doesn't track three letter words! I think that you posted it around the middle of last year. Can you remember the name of the thread? Perhaps you could post the pix again!

Am I the only one that noticed this thread is like 4 years old?

Epic bump.
