I'm getting violins, but they seem impossible to feed!


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I agree with what hysteresis has been saying, I just want to add a few things. First, a net cage is much better for violins due to great ventilation and mesh sides and it's much easier to feed them in there. Second, take into consideration what instar the violins you are getting will be. Violins power through flies, moths, and even bees in larger instars, so feeding gets expensive, especially in Canada. 

- MantisGirl13

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I agree with what hysteresis has been saying, I just want to add a few things. First, a net cage is much better for violins due to great ventilation and mesh sides and it's much easier to feed them in there. Second, take into consideration what instar the violins you are getting will be. Violins power through flies, moths, and even bees in larger instars, so feeding gets expensive, especially in Canada. 

- MantisGirl13
Really? They sound a little complicated 😅 haha. I don't know where I would get this stuff here, I'll do a little digging to figure out how I would feed them. But for the net cages, do I need to put any decor or something to keep the humidity? Wouldn't it just go though?

Really? They sound a little complicated 😅 haha. I don't know where I would get this stuff here, I'll do a little digging to figure out how I would feed them. But for the net cages, do I need to put any decor or something to keep the humidity? Wouldn't it just go though?
They are a bit complicated for sure! Violins are a low humidity species so extra humidity isn't needed. 

- MantisGirl13

For your first species, Violins may be a bit tough if you’re trying to figure out how to feed them flies.

ghosts are awesome and much more tolerant of temps.

That said, i don’t have a ton of experience and my violins did fine. When i don’t have flies, the larger nymphs will eat roach nymphs

Just going to throw in my two sense as someone that raised violins under stressful conditions.

BSFs are very easy to culture and if you do it right they will not smell and you can keep them anywhere in your house. There is a sticky from me on how to do that. I currently have my colony in the guest room and you would never know its there besides the noise of the flies.

Feeders are pretty much impossible to buy in Iceland where I live now and blow flies like BBF etc don't even seem to exist here. As in the dog poo in my yard never has flies on it and it is weird and frustrating for a mantis keeper. That said I had to rely almost completely on nothing but Hydei Fruit Flies to raise my violins and keep them alive even into adulthood. My oldest lived for a bit over a year and ate almost nothing but fruit flies her whole life unless I managed to catch some moths or crane flies outside occasionally.

So I would keep some fruit flies as an emergency means if needed since they seem to be more readily accepted then mealworms or anything else you try to shove into their little diva faces. I would certainly do everything you can to get bigger feeders but this might be a good back up so you don´t stress so much.


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