I'm wating on live chat. :)


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Im on again now for a double free lesson, bored as heck so awaiting chat lol

Im on for maybe half an hour, the last 8 times ive been on no one else has :(

Im on for an hour and a half, no doubt no one else will be :(

Cant remember last time i had a nice little invert related convo :(

this is not a good topic :(
Well this topic started out to let people know when we are on the live chat feature but if you look on the bottom of the main index board. you will see a thing saying members on live chat and if its there and there are names there is someone on the chat. I think we could do something like this to schedule chats for certain topics at certain times.

Im gonna be on for a while i spect, sry for the other day idolo i was doing coursework


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