In everyones honest oppinion


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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
Reaction score
syracuse ny
What, in your oppinion, is the mantis that looks the most like an alien

part b what is the mantis that if blown up to 6 times it size would scare little children and cause the military to drop a nuclear weapon?

my answer part a ghost

part b idolo

i got to say the most alien is a paratoxodera cornicollius :alien: , and the military would probably nuke a giant sub adult male gongy :gun_bandana: :tank: :tt2: :oops:

wow i have never seen a paratoxdera cornicollius. i cant belive ive never seen one of those. does anyone on the forum keep them?

For it to look like an alien, it almost has to have a tubercle and the species mentioned have the best. There are a few others, but they cannot light a match to the three: Idolo, Paradoxa, and Gongy. They give me the willys some times when I see there antics. There is nothing as awesome as a hatchling than the red and black Orchids. Especially if you have an ooth hatching and they are all out marching around like army ants.

I think if their was a giant Cilnia humeralis everyone would freak out and the military would have to get involved and shoot it down The most Alien like mantis would have to be Pseudoharpax virescens

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Most alien:

-moss mantis (some type of Pseudoacanthops or Acanthops)

-any Toxoderinae

-Stenophylla lobivertex


Cilnia humeralis, since it would eat everything in sight

I think that I'd run like heck from any mantis my size or larger. I wouldn't bother to ask it if it was an alien or a Yuman, thou some of the Empusa, like E. fasciata are pretty alien looking.

BTW, since it is new to may of us, the correct spelling of the giant Malaysian stick manris is Paratoxodera cornicollis, which is pretty strange. Without the "para" it appears to mean "arrow neck horn neck". Anyone got a better translation?

Let's face it if a mantis stood more than 3 ft, you would be wise to call off your dog(yes even a Pit or Mastiff, love my mastiff by the way)and run!!!

omfg... I googled pseudoacanthops and google decided that I must have meant Pseudoacanthosis! I'm going to go throw up! Ugggh!

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I would have to say idolo.

And you guys need to see that old 50's scifi movie "The Deadly Mantis".

It's a fav of mine ;)

I'd say Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii. Just because it has so many cool features, especially the spikes.


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