Indigenous fruit flies mixed with Wingless fruit flies


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Jul 31, 2016
Reaction score
New Jersey
So I have a question, might be a stupid one but i thought I’d ask anyway. 

I must have left my fly culture open a  bit to long and some freeloader got in the mix and days later I realized I now have 2 different types living in the culture cup. 

My question is, should I be worried? Will there be an issue among the 2 types living in there? Will they die off?

I only ask because its hard to get any feeders were i live beside crickets, so i usually order out. So, should i just be safe and get another culture of them? or am I good here? lol

Thanks in advance for any advice!


Are your flies a flightless variety?

I have found that if a culture is kept going for long enough the flies eventually regain the ability to fly. This may have been what happened if you suddenly noticed some of the flies are capable of flying. 

Its a culture I got about 13 weeks ago (flightless) , I noticed about a dozen flying ones a few days ago, now more. So it’s “spoiled” either way. I think i’ll just get some fresh ones and keep those guys going too (yay free food lol) Thanks for the Advice! I really appreciate it.

It can happen and isn't a problem. To fix your culture all you have to do is take it outside, take off the lid, and let any flying ones fly off and shake the container a bit to keep the flightless ones inside. A few times doing this over a week or two, to get rid of any affected eggs/generations, will return it to 100% flightless culture (as long as you have some flightless ones left to start with). ;)
