Insane looking mantis


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Yeah but this is a different sp, i would love a normal zoolea, but i want to get my more common mantids bred first, which apart from my now psuedoempusa pair, is going absolutly ###### :(

It has a painted look about it. I'm no expert but this looks like a model that has been painted,not a photo of an actual living thing.

Ang on i thought they were hard to breed and rear though?

If they arent there at my top ten :lol:

Yeah it's fake, that guys makes some nice models.

If that was a real mantis I would start breeding them as soon as possible, it looks beautiful.

while you're at it, bring one of these to the culture too


and this


wow. not so cute anymore. a mantis goes from cute to downright scary when they become gigantic

With a mantis that size, that person has little chance to escape (what was it 80% kill rate?). Luckily, mantis never grow to even close to a foot.

This is as close as I could get to a translation on the original post's link:

Model of "Zoolea of gigas". Es concerns a very large Gottesanbeterin out of Suedamerika. Das model is long around 20 cm.

I though the head looked iffy but though it was real through the stance ^_^


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