Insect Trapper great for flies


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Mar 7, 2008
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Bug Wand Insect Trapper-As Seen On TV

Bug Buster™ Insect Trapper sucks up spiders, flies, wasps, bees and more! No harmful chemicals, no dead bugs smashed against your wall, and less chance of being bitten or stung. Simply press the button to start the suction, bring the open end near the insect and it's swiftly swept inside. Slip the safety cap over the end to prevent escape and empty the vacuum outside. $ 12.95

I have one that looks like a ray gun. I use it to suck up the house flys in the containers they hatch in, then transfer the catcher cup into the freezer. I use very fine netting, double thick, to suck up the FF's and then tap them into the mantis jars. The FF cultuires I have mostly have turned into flying ff's, so it is a little difficult to just open and dump as many make it into the air, or used to.

Kinda neat.

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lol @ can I bargain.

I used to have one of the other kind that didn't suck them up.

It worked for catching crickets but I always wanted one that had a vacuum in it, thought it'd be funnier.

The best thing to suck the insects is exhaustor :)


But it is a bit dangerous for the allergy suferer.

I suffer from allergies really bad, but how does that thing work?
You have to bring close to the insects you want to catch the shorter tight pipe and then intake a deep breath while holding the longer tight elastic pipe in mouth. In the biggest pipe at the elastic pipe side is material with small meshes which make unable to swallow the insects. It's a simple construction but really usefull when a lot of fruit flies is escaping :)

( my english isn't as well as I wish, but hope you understand my exhaustor-instructions )

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