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Hey.... what about us old broads?
Lol....oh my what have I done..hehehe..

I love old broads in fact my wife is becoming one. (ouch that doens't sound right hope she doensn't see this) Youth can't touch experience with a 10 1/2 foot pole. In fact all you ol' broads out there are more than welcome to send me your nude (ouch! hope she doesn't see this one either.)

let me clarify. Folks my age (38) and up are the coolest. Its these young whippersnapers i worry about. The only thing they seem to be able to do with their hands is mash buttons. I was just impressed to see a youngster doing something other than texting and playing with apps and thought she deserved a tip of the ol' hat.

Let me repeat ol' broads rock...they rock hard!!

Yeah, I agree too. One does sound pretty silly. I've been pouring over the photos and reading about the different species and it's getting Getting just one is not goin to happen.If I may add it is so thrilling to see that a young woman like yourself is so into this stuff instead of keeping up the latest trends at the mall.

You, young missy, all by yourself give me great hope for the human race! :D
I thought having 12 was alot.

Boy am I wrong.

What would I do if I only had one?

Go crazy, that's what.

And thank you very much, sir!

And you'll be happy to know I haven't been to the mall since back-to-school shopping in August.

(What a fiasco that turned out to be, my "back to school" lasted about a month!)


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