is it a good idea??


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agent A

the autistic flower mantis
Supporting Member
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Fort Collins, CO
hey all my female majuscula hasnt laid yet but i had an idea

what if i put her outside on a willow tree and put a rearing sleeve over it? would it help? is it a bad idea? we r having 90 degree heat so it may induce egg laying...

thanx :)

I wouldn't do that if I were you. There are birds that would want to snack on your mantid or the wind would blow them off and giving

your mantid chance to escape. OR the heat would cook your mantid.

i cut a willow branch and a rose of sharon branch, put it in water and put her on it then sleeved it

it is under my porch now :)

i'm leavin her there all night since it is supposed to be in the 70s tonight :D

boo yah!! :clap:

she clawed it a bit at the end when soft so i pushed a bit of foam back, otherwise it's a nice ooth!!



Good job! I'll have to try that from now on - mine always lay their ooths on the zippers of my mesh containers, therefore destroying the containers since they can be opened. Even that's not as bad as when I lose one in the house and it lays its ooth in some unknown place. Come spring.... Not good...

Good job! I'll have to try that from now on - mine always lay their ooths on the zippers of my mesh containers, therefore destroying the containers since they can be opened. Even that's not as bad as when I lose one in the house and it lays its ooth in some unknown place. Come spring.... Not good...
just push from the opposite end to dislodge it then open it ;)
