Is There an Arthropod You DO NOT Like?


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I looked up Pthirus, and yes, lice get no votes from me! It's not that same kind of fear that I think of in considering this topic, but who is going to sit calmly in a chair upon learning the previous occupant had lice!

I do not really like crabs(I am not talking about the land or sea crab...).
I dont think I know anyone who is a fan of those crabs and if by chance there IS someone out there that love em I do not want to see their collection! :p
Oh and to all of who have said you should try keeping a spider (or other creature you fear) as a pet I do have a couple "pet" house spiders that I let hang out in my home (one in my bathroom and another by my back door). While I dont exactly take care of these spiders I dont believe in needless killing of any living creature either so I leave them be. I COULD gently move them outside but they dont bother me. Now if I should find one on me it would be another story...everyone would get to see my awesome ninja skills as I run around screaming like a little girl! :lol:

I can't stand mosquitos, ticks, fleas, biting flies, or anything that will naturally feed on me and pass disease. <_< I will gladly kill those pests.

I am getting over my fear of spiders by keeping some local ones that I find. It is working very well! :p

I used to freak out when I walked into a spiders web. The freaking included gasping, flailing around, shaking out my hair, and disrobing no matter where I was. :blink: :lol: Lately, after keeping and caring for some spiders, I have walked into a few webs without freaking out. I will just carefully inspect myself for the next possible pet, ( if it is an orbweaver, I will find a place for it somewhere in my yard and feed it). B)

I can't stand mosquitos, ticks, fleas, biting flies, or anything that will naturally feed on me and pass disease. <_< I will gladly kill those pests.

I am getting over my fear of spiders by keeping some local ones that I find. It is working very well! :p

I used to freak out when I walked into a spiders web. The freaking included gasping, flailing around, shaking out my hair, and disrobing no matter where I was. :blink: :lol: Lately, after keeping and caring for some spiders, I have walked into a few webs without freaking out. I will just carefully inspect myself for the next possible pet, ( if it is an orbweaver, I will find a place for it somewhere in my yard and feed it). B)
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Doesn't sound too different from what I used to do :p

I used to freak out when I walked into a spiders web. The freaking included gasping, flailing around, shaking out my hair, and disrobing no matter where I was.
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Doesn't sound too different from what I used to do :p
with the difference that if a woman disrobes no one will complain, but they'd call you a perv :lol:

OK. One of the ugliest and it makes me cringe...The Jerusalem cricket or sometimes called a potato bug. I would only touch one to feed one of my mantids. They're hideous and awkward.

It's cute!

I don't usually find myself comfortable around spiders, especially if I know they are venomous. If they are venomous they get squished, otherwise I live along side them peacefully :) .

Pretty much all spiders are venomous, being able to pierce the skin with there fangs however is another matter.

centipedes, absolutely worst, maggots used to be, but as some have mentioned, have some u have to care for and it changes you, and ticks, really I must tell Jesus about the idea to have these insects and what was He thinking? :rolleyes:

Pretty much all spiders are venomous, being able to pierce the skin with there fangs however is another matter.
Yeah, I know they're all venomous, but I mean, dangerous or not to me.

Ticks are bad to. I used to live in Santa Cruz, CA. and would pick ticks daily off of my dog. They gave me nightmares. Literally, there are two things I have nightmares about and they are ticks and tsunamis. :(

Wasps... I still have violent (and possibly hysterical) aversions to wasps for no reason that I can remember. Bees are okay as long as they remain a suitable distance from me.

I'm fine with spiders. I don't know if I would have one as a pet, but I do let them just kind of hang out in the house if they so please. When I was in college and living in a dorm, I removed one spider from one of my friends' rooms and was from there on out the official dorm spider remover. :lol: Girls I had never even met or talked to would come to my room at all hours and ask me to remove a spider for them. :p They were usually big female garden orb weavers of some kind I guess, never really took the time to identify them, and I'd usually cup 'em and put them outside. Beautiful creatures. Maybe I will have a pet spider one day. :D I think jumping spiders are ADORABLE.

I also have a huge problem with people who smash things just to smash them. One of my friends is scared of spiders and she smashes them on sight no matter where they are. Yes, I understand her fear in a way, and sure, kill them if they're in your house, but why does one need to kill something that's outside, minding it's own business, and better yet, killing the more annoying bugs? :huh: That's the one I don't understand. I don't even kill wasps if they're outside and I'm just as afraid of them as she is of spiders. /rant, just a small annoyance.

Jerusalem Crickets are cute. I got bitten by a centipede in the web of skin between my fingers but i still like them. I get kind of nervous when i am with a hornet in an enclosed space like a room.

I have a very strong (and yes irrational) fear of spiders, pretty much any larger than a pin head. I cannot remove them and put them outside because i cant touch them they have to be exterminated from a distance with a long stick or wait until someone that can touch them comes round. (although putting them outside you just know they are gonna turn around and come right back in)

Mrs. Z & I caught the "discount" ferry from Italy to Greece a few years back after taking the wrong bus to the wrong port. On a budget, we holed up in what they call airline seating for the overnight trip. Not looking forward to back pain after a couple weeks of hosteling, I slept on the floor next to the life jackets. In the early morning, the lights came on for an announcement and I noticed what I thought were large lice crawling about me and my backpack, some attached to my skin. "Are these lice? They're huge!", I said with disgust. The Malaysian couple we'd made acquaintance with chuckled at me while calmly inspecting their luggage and pinching blood engorged bugs with a napkin. "These are bed bugs," he grinned nonchalantly, "and back home they get 3x this size."

The little chompers were living and breeding magnificently in the life jacket storage area, undisturbed & fed well by the constant barrage of passengers between Bari & Patra. We recently discussed going to Malaysia(she's forgotten this episode, I think) on a future trip, so if you know my wife...please refrain from reminding her of the gargantuan BED BUGS that live there ;)

P.S. we continued to find these for weeks afterward. They especially enjoyed hiding in the spine of an Irvine Welsh novel.

Mrs. Z & I caught the "discount" ferry from Italy to Greece a few years back after taking the wrong bus to the wrong port. On a budget, we holed up in what they call airline seating for the overnight trip. Not looking forward to back pain after a couple weeks of hosteling, I slept on the floor next to the life jackets. In the early morning, the lights came on for an announcement and I noticed what I thought were large lice crawling about me and my backpack, some attached to my skin. "Are these lice? They're huge!", I said with disgust. The Malaysian couple we'd made acquaintance with chuckled at me while calmly inspecting their luggage and pinching blood engorged bugs with a napkin. "These are bed bugs," he grinned nonchalantly, "and back home they get 3x this size."

The little chompers were living and breeding magnificently in the life jacket storage area, undisturbed & fed well by the constant barrage of passengers between Bari & Patra. We recently discussed going to Malaysia(she's forgotten this episode, I think) on a future trip, so if you know my wife...please refrain from reminding her of the gargantuan BED BUGS that live there ;)

P.S. we continued to find these for weeks afterward. They especially enjoyed hiding in the spine of an Irvine Welsh novel.
Let me guess! Was it Filth? But come to think of it, that was tapeworm, wasn't it? :D

i sorta like the cricket........ but put a caterpillar or grasshopper near me and i will squish them in a heart beat... i have a few stories that have caused this......


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